October 27, 2017
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
We have just received notice from AT&T that they have a project underway in our community in which they will be upgrading their existing infrastructure as part of job #8MW02315N. During the days and months ahead, members & residents will see the increased presence of AT&T and their contractor Mastec on the property. Although AT&T has stated that their planned start date is slated for July or August of 2018, members have already called in stating that they have observed some of their crews surveying the property. When AT&T is ready to work in your section, they will leave door hangers at member's doors 2-3 days before they are scheduled to begin. Once work commences, members will notice digging and boring throughout the community by AT&T contractors, some of which may go under easements found on members properties. They have assured us that any disturbed areas will be restored at the end of construction. Any member experiencing any issues as a result of AT&T activities is asked to Contact Us so we can address those issues on your behalf. You can see the AT&T's notice sent to us along with FAQ by Clicking Here. We will notify members again once we have more accurate start dates.