It has been a few months since our community held their first Crime Watch meeting and it is now time to schedule the next one. The next meeting has been scheduled for February 12th at 7PM. It will be held on the West Side parking lot. Click Here for location. A Metro Dade Police Officer will be at the meeting to discuss crime trends in our area, statistics, news of interest as well as to answer any questions from attending residents. The meeting will be short and we encourage everyone to attend.
January 29, 2014
January 27, 2014
New Annual Assessment Payment Options
January 27, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
We are pleased to announce that Devon-Aire Villas # 1 can now accept annual assessments via eCheck or by Credit Card as an option from homeowners. We would like to thank Scott Galya, our property manager, and Executive National Bank for making this possible. To make use of this option, you will need your Devon-Aire Villas #1 account number when creating an account in order to pay online. You can find this information listed on the coupon you received in the mail in December. If you do not have your account number, please reach out to us via the Contact Us section on our home page and we will get that information to you as soon as possible. You can find the link to the online payment system on the right hand column of the page, right below the event calendar. You will also find a help guide there should you have any questions on using the system. Please note that there is a $1.95 service fee if you pay by eCheck and a $15 service fee if paying by credit card. As always, there is no service fee if paying by check and mailing your coupon to us.
We hope that this new system is of benefit to our homeowners. Should you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us.
We hope that this new system is of benefit to our homeowners. Should you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us.
January 25, 2014
MDPD Crime Prevention Section - Free Security Survey
January 25, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

January 22, 2014
Updated: February 2014 Board Meeting
January 22, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
The February 2014 Board meeting originally scheduled for the 4th has been re-scheduled for the 11th due to a scheduling conflict. We also had to re-schedule the meeting with the association attorney until our March 13th meeting. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We will again try to discuss the cat issue that residents on the West side have raised concerns over. Unfortunately residents which raised concerns over the issue were unable to attend. If you are one of the affected homeowners, we will need you there in order to decide on a course of action. Your participation is highly valued and helps us immensely especially when trying to address your concerns. If you wish to attend, but do not have the means to get there, please let us know. Meeting will start promptly at 7:30 PM.
January 13, 2014
Commisioner's District 8 E-Newsletter
January 13, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

January 11, 2014
Theft at Devon-Aire Villas #1 East 1/7/2014
January 11, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
We received a notification yesterday via of a reported theft on the East side on the 7th of January.
Description | Case # | Location | Date | Map It |
THEFT/LARCENY | PD140107009163 | 12100 BLOCK SW 110TH ST CIR | 1/7/2014 6:56:00 PM | Map It |
The address location isn't too specific as to where on the Circle the theft occurred. The listed incident description usually indicates that something was stolen from in front or around a home. If you know the homeowner affected by this theft, please have them contact us.
January 10, 2014
January 2014 Board Meeting
January 10, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
This is just a reminder that the January 2014 Board meeting is scheduled for the 14th. As we start off the new year we wish to encourage all residents to attend our board meetings as often as possible. Your participation is highly valued and helps us immensely especially when residents voice their issues, opinions and concerns. If you wish to attend, but do not have the means to get there, please let us know. Meeting starts promptly at 7:30 PM.
January 09, 2014
Update: Mail Box Tampering at Devon-Aire #1 West 1/19/2014
January 09, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
Back in our January board meeting, a resident from the East side reported that they had observed an unknown person going through mail boxes on their street. The resident did not call police and was unable to see a car tag for the individual.
This evening I received a phone call from one of our Crime Watch volunteers. Her neighbor reported to her that she also observed an unknown person going through street mail boxes this morning on the West side near SW 110th LN. She was able to get a tag & description of the car as well as description of the person going through the mailboxes. She also called police and obtained a police report. The person is described as a white heavy set male wearing a baseball cap low over their face. The car was described as a silver Toyota with dark tinted windows.
We can't stress enough how important it is to call the police whenever residents observe illegal activity such as this and then report it to their local Crime Watch volunteer so they can report it to us. We want to thank the homeowner who called police, and later us, for being vigilant. That is what Crime Watch is all about.
UPDATE: We received a call from the resident that reported the incident and they stated that they observed the vehicle parked in one of the townhouse's driveway last night. When they talked to the owner of that home, they stated that the individual was staying with them temporarily. They stated that the reason he looked through some of the mail boxes is because he got the addresses mixed up and was supposed to pick up a cell phone that was left within a mailbox. Resident called police to amend the police report and they will follow up with the incident.
UPDATE: We received a call from the resident that reported the incident and they stated that they observed the vehicle parked in one of the townhouse's driveway last night. When they talked to the owner of that home, they stated that the individual was staying with them temporarily. They stated that the reason he looked through some of the mail boxes is because he got the addresses mixed up and was supposed to pick up a cell phone that was left within a mailbox. Resident called police to amend the police report and they will follow up with the incident.
2014 Annual Dues
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

With the New Year comes new things for our community. We are pleased to announce that we will be rolling out an online payment system for those homeowners who wish to pay online via credit card. More information regarding this option will be available soon.