April 19, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

At Devon-Aire Villas # 1, most owners maintain their homes and its surroundings relatively well by making sure that their homes are painted every few years, roofs are maintained, lawns mowed, trashcans are never left out after trash day, etc... There are some homes however were owners may need some work done or some other reminder and usually a letter from our Property Manager is all that is needed to correct a problem. There are some cases however where a homeowner simply ignore these letters. Over the years, the cost of sending letter after letter along with legal demands requesting compliance have been costly and time consuming. These costs are eventually passed on to all homeowners through their annual assessment. In an effort to cut down on those costs, the Board of Directors will review a new Violation Policy & Procedure in an effort to streamline the process as well as cut costs by limiting the amount of letters sent out before legal remedies are pursued. This new policy will make use of Florida Statute 720.305(2) which allows for the imposition of fines. On April 14th a draft copy of this new policy & procedure was mailed out to all homeowners for review. The Board of Directors will vote on adoption in the May 6th meeting and ask homeowners who may have comments or concerns to attend. If you can not attend, please submit your comments or concerns by emailing us using the Contact Us page on our website.
The Board of Directors understands that violation notices are never a welcome sight for homeowners and will actively work with homeowners who contact us asking for help in addressing their issue. We ask that if any homeowner receiving a notice has an issue with any letter they receive, please do not ignore the correspondence and instead Contact Us by email or by phone. By addressing a notice early will ensure that there are no unnecessary escalations or misunderstandings.