December 04, 2023
Villa of the Quarter: December 2023
October 07, 2023
Correction: Crime Watch Meeting: 10/10/2023
Correction: Crime Watch Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10th at 7 PM, not Thursday as originally posted.
As always, a Metro Dade Police Officer will be at the meeting to discuss crime trends in our area, statistics, news of interest as well as to answer any questions from attending residents.
October 05, 2023
Community Crime
This is an important reminder to our members and residents in the community to please stay vigilant. The Board of Directors routinely monitors reports of crime in the area. Recently we have seen a spike in reported crime in the area for vehicle break-ins and other miscellaneous crime via, Ring's Neighbors App and Nextdoor and want to alert our members and residents of this uptick in crime.
On September 4th, we received a report from a member that their license plate was stolen from their vehicle which was parked in guest parking on the East side. Upon review of community cameras, we were able to recover video of the individuals that stole the plate and that of another vehicle. We later received notice that on the same night a vehicle was stolen from a home located in Devon-Aire Estates along 106th St. The individuals responsible likely used the stolen plates on the vehicle they stole. The theft of the vehicle plate occurred at 9PM in the evening while several homeowners passed by the thieves. We ask member if they observe anyone loitering in the community to please call police and also let us know by texting us at the number found in our Contact Us page. The video of the crime was forwarded to Miami Dade County Police to aid them in their investigation.
On October 3rd, a member that lives on SW 122nd CT and 111th Ln contacted us to let us know that someone had come to their home and vandalized their vehicles the night before. Anyone that lives or passes by the area that has any information on this crime are asked to forward that information to us so we can forward it to police.
On October 4th five vehicles were reported to have been burglarized at the Devon-Aire Estates homes that border the Turnpike and another vehicle in Devon-Aire Villas # 4. Although we have not received any reports of car burglaries occurring in our community, as always we ask members to take precautions so they don't become a victim. Make it a routine to lock all your car doors at night. To prevent Car hoppers from entering your car, please make sure you leave your cars doors locked at all times and never leave any valuables in your cars. Individuals that car hop tend to always go through unlocked cars because it attracts less attention. If you see individuals going house to house and checking out cars, call Police right away. We also urge our member to please leave their front porch lights on all night long in order to deter such thefts. If you are concerned about the electrical costs, please keep in mind that with today's LED light bulbs, power consumption is very negligible. The few pennies you pay per day to run LED lights will far outweigh the aggravation of having your vehicle's content stolen. Security cameras like a Ring doorbell, Wyze Cams, Blink, Nest and similar devices can also help deter such crimes, some of which are very affordable.
September 19, 2023
2024 Annual Notice of Assessment
- If you do not receive your assessment invoice by October 1st, please contact us by visiting and selecting “Contact Us” to let us know.
- Payment is due on February 1st, 2024.
- Members may pay by Check, Money Order, eCheck or Credit Card.
- To pay by eCheck or Credit Card please visit:
- Checks & Money Orders must be made payable to Devon-Aire Villa Homeowners Association #1, Inc and MUST be mailed in with your assessment coupon to ensure that processing of your payment is properly credited to your account and not lost.
- Please do not submit your payment using your Bank's bill payment system. If you wish to pay online, please pay by eCheck to ensure that processing of your payment is properly credited to your account.
- All checks or money orders MUST include that member’s account number in the memo field. Checks MAY NOT be postdated. A member paying by check must ensure that their check has enough funds to clear. Any check which is returned due to insufficient funds will have those costs added to their account balance and will be notified of these costs. A member whose check does not clear will be considered delinquent after the past due date.
- A late fee will be applied to all assessments received after the payment due date.
- Delinquent assessments shall bear interest from the due date at a rate of 6% per annum.
- A member whose account is forwarded to the Association Attorney due to non-payment is responsible for all costs associated with the recovery of their obligation to include interest, fees and all legal costs incurred. These costs will not be waived by the Association and must be paid in full by the member before any legal action is considered resolved. Members who have had their account forwarded to the Association Attorney shall have payment applied in the following order: legal fees and costs (including attorney fees), interest, returned check charges, lien fees, other miscellaneous costs incurred during recovery process, annual assessment
September 05, 2023
Villa of the Quarter: September 2023
September 03, 2023
Notice of 2024 Annual Budget Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the Bylaws of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association No. 1, Inc. (the "Association"), that the 2024 Annual Association Budget Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 5th, 2023, 7:30 PM at 14373 SW 142nd Street Miami FL 33186. A notice was mailed out and posted on the community bulletin boards 15 days prior to this scheduled meeting which included a copy of the proposed budget. The Board of Directors will discuss and adopt the 2024 Budget at this meeting and urge members to attend if possible.
Notice was mailed by depositing with the United States Post Office or in a letter box in a postage-paid sealed envelope by Regular Mail to each member of the Association at his or her respective address as same appears on the books of the Association.
Members which failed to receive their notice along with proposed budget and wish an electronic copy are asked to Contact Us.
- Call to Order
- Establishment of a quorum of the Board
- Discussion
- Open Forum
- Adoption of the 2023 budget.
- Adjournment
July 10, 2023
Villa of the Quarter: June 2023
April 12, 2023
Rules & Regulations 2023
March 07, 2023
Update: AT&T Infrastructure Upgrade: East

February 28, 2023
Improper Parking & Guest Parking Complaints
Recently the Board of Directors mailed out letters to all members of the community as well as residents that may be renting their units. For those that may have not read the letter, we are sending this communication electronically and ask that it be taken seriously. If you are renting your unit's, please communicate this information to your tenants.
Over the past year, there has been a substantial increase in complaints received as a result of residents improperly parking vehicles throughout the community such as parking on the grass portions of a unit’s lots, parking on the private roads, parking next to fire hydrants or parking in no parking zones. There has also been an increase in complaints from members regarding community residents using guest parking as their overflow parking for their personal or work vehicles and in some cases parking more than one vehicle in guest parking. We understand that housing dynamics have changed since our community was built back in 1978; however that does not mean that as a consequence residents are permitted to ignore community rules and regulations involving parking.
We would like to
remind residents that community rules & regulations are not suggestions.
All community members are expected to adhere to community rules and regulations
and ensure that occupants of their home adhere to them as well. Under no
circumstances are residents to park on the grass portion of their lot, common
property, the private road or any areas having No Parking signage. Residents
may not park in such a manner that would hinder access to fire hydrants or impede
traffic by parking on the private road. Guest parking spaces are dedicated for
guests to park while visiting residents in the community and may not be used as
overflow parking by residents on a consistent basis. Residents are permitted to
occasionally use ONE guest parking spot
so long as all spaces on their driveway are occupied and should only use guest
parking from 11PM to the following morning.
Cars which are parked in guest parking should be roadworthy and their license
plate tags up to date. These rules have
been a part of the Devon-Aire Villas HOA #1 Rules & Regulations for many
years and are there to promote the health, safety & welfare of all
residents in our community using our private roads & guest parking spaces
throughout the community as well as prevent damage to unit lawns and common
Going forward, any
vehicle reported to the Association that is improperly parked will be towed or
receive a letter of non-compliance as stipulated in the Rules & Regulations.
A towing request can happen at any time, 24x7, 365 days of the year. If your vehicle is stickered because it was
improperly parked, please take the warning seriously and move the vehicle. Any
vehicle owner that fails to adhere to warnings attached to a vehicle will be
towed without any additional warnings. If a tow request is initiated, the
vehicle owner will be responsible for all towing and storage charges. If you are an owner of a home and are
currently renting out your property IT
pass this information on to your tenants and any guests that may be visiting
your property.
Below you will find
some important points to be mindful of:
- All member or tenant owned vehicles must
be properly parked on their home’s driveway, not on the grass portion of
their lot, common property or the private road. If you own more than two vehicles at
your household with a standard 21 foot driveway or three vehicles on a 30
foot driveway and need to park one other vehicle in guest parking on a
regular basis, you may only do so after 11PM and the parking space must be
released the following morning.
- Residents which wish to expand their
driveways to 30 feet may do so as long as they ask for Association
approval by submitting an ACC.
Please contact us at for more information.
- Residents are allowed to T-Park their
vehicles on their driveway. To be
considered T-Parked, half the vehicle must be on the owner’s
driveway. Vehicles which are not
properly T-Parked and are causing an obstruction or danger to traffic will
be stickered and if not moved will later be towed or receive letters of
non-compliance which can result in fines.
It is important that vehicles not cause on obstruction to traffic
should emergency responders need to pass that part of the road.
- Parking is not permitted by any vehicle
on the grass, sidewalk, street, curbside or other common areas. If a car is stickered for improper
parking, the vehicle must be moved as soon as possible.
- Vehicles parking on common ground, the
private road or areas designated as no parking areas are subject to towing
without any warning.
- Only roadworthy vehicles are allowed to
park in guest parking. Any vehicle parked
in guest parking that are not roadworthy, or are otherwise inoperable, will
be towed without warning. Individuals
parking vehicles which are deemed not roadworthy, or otherwise inoperable
and parked in guest parking which are found to have caused damage to the
parking area will be responsible for the cost road repair which can cost
several thousand dollars.
- No vehicle maintenance or repairs shall
be performed in guest parking with the exception of changing out a flat
tire. Individuals caught doing so
will be responsible for all costs related to the repair of any damage to
the parking area should there be any.
- No vehicle shall park in the same guest
parking area for more than 24 hours. Any vehicle which exceeds 24 hours
will be stickered and later towed.
- Members that have more vehicles than
their home can accommodate should not expect that guest parking will serve
as their personal parking area. Residents are only permitted to occasionally
park one vehicle in guest parking at any one time and only do so if all of
their driveway spaces are fully occupied. Those found to not be in
compliance will have their vehicle(s) towed.
- No personal commercial vehicles (category
1 vehicles) are permitted to use guest parking at any time and may only
park on their unit’s driveway.
February 27, 2023
Meeting Notice: Rules & Regulations
NOTICE IS HEREBY given, pursuant to Florida Statutes and the constituent documents of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association No. 1, Inc. (the “Association”), a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association will be held on Tuesday, the 7th day of March of 2023 at 7:30 p.m. at Brickell Property Management, Inc., located at 14373 SW 142nd St, Miami, Florida 33186. The purpose, among other matters, is discussion, approval and adoption of the proposed Rules and Regulations for Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association No. 1, Inc.
Members which fail to receive their notice along with proposed Rules & Regulations changes by August 18th, 2023 and wish an electronic copy are asked to Contact Us.
- Call to Order.
- Establishment of a quorum of Board of Directors
- Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice
- Reading and approval of past minutes
- Unfinished business
- General discussion with members present regarding proposed Rules & Regulations
- Consider and adopt upon proposed Rules and Regulations
- Adjournment
February 26, 2023
Villa of the Quarter: March 2023
January 24, 2023
AT&T Infrastructure Upgrade: East