We have received a notice from the Department of Solid Waste Management (DSWM) that they will have crews out to pick up any discarded christmas trees in mid January 2020. If you are unable to take your tree to the nearest recycling center located at 8000 SW 117th CT, you have the option to leave you tree curbside, but only on our designated pick up week. Collection will occur by zones, in which we have been designated as zone 2, and therefore pickup for this area is scheduled to begin the morning of January 13th and end on the evening of January 18th. More info can be found by Clicking Here. Recycled trees will be chipped and given away as mulch for those interested. Any trees placed curbside before the morning of January 12th or left out after the evening of January 18th will receive warnings followed by removal by the Association with the cost of removal billed back to the member so please be mindful of the pickup dates to avoid any charges. Those that do not wish to take their tree to the dump to recycle or wait until the 18th for curbside pickup have the option of chopping up the tree and placing it in their green container for pickup.
December 28, 2019
Curbside Christmas Tree Collection 2020
December 28, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
December 27, 2019
The Close of 2019 at Devon-Aire Villas #1
December 27, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
With 2019 coming to an end, we would like to share with our members a few of this years accomplishments. Every year the Board of Directors sets an agenda to improve the community by performing routine repairs, property maintenance, new works, etc.. as well as increasing community involvement and awareness by inviting members to participate in community and local events. These are a few of those accomplishments:
- For the third straight year, all member accounts are current.
- We successfully revitalized our community's governing documents. The process of revitalization was a huge undertaking which involved many members of the community with many months of planning and a lot of foot work. Without their efforts, we we would not have seen a successful revitalization.
- The vacant seat on the Board was recently filled by Rafael Casero. We wish to thank him for accepting the seat.
- We continue to host community Crime Watch meetings every 4 months to bring greater awareness about crime in the area.
- Members of the Board continue to attend regular CAC meetings at the MDPD Kendall station where they forward any members concerns at those meetings.
- Members of the Board & community members attended numerous MDPD sponsored events such as Coffee with Cops, Cookies with Rookies, etc.. to bridge the gap between police and association.
- Areas which have lighting installed had their old sign poles removed and their attached signage moved to the adjacent light pole.
- Entrances were cleaned up and remulched in time for the holidays.
- Members have raised concerns at numerous Board meetings regarding traffic issues on 122nd Ave and their inability to safely exit the East & West side of the community. Although Members of the Board took those concerns to Commissioner Cava's office which then requested a traffic study in late 2017. After the study was completed in late 2018 in was determined that the county would install a light at the corner of 106th St and 122nd Ave. Although we were unable to get a traffic light installed at 110/111 St exits for the East & West side, it is hoped that a light on 106 will help with the traffic is some small way.
One of the projects we had attempted to schedule for this year was delayed due to county permitting issues. We originally planned on starting the project in early November however unlike previous years, this year the county brought up a 2012 ordinance which requires a guardrail be installed in any parking area facing a body of water. It just so happens one of our parking areas on Park West faces a canal and therefore the county will not issue a permit unless a guardrail installation is part of the sealcoating work. That of course raises the price of the project. The Board has been working with our contractor to address the issue while at the same time keeping the cost for that installation within our budget. We hope to get the project on its way by early or late February 2020. We will send out more information as soon as we are confident of a date.
Although we didn't have enough residents this year to establish a quorum in order to conduct business for the 2019 annual meeting, the Board would like to take this opportunity to thank all residents who were able to attend and stayed for the December Board Meeting. Your attendance helps us immensely during the year and helps us chart future improvements & direction in the community.
The Board of Directors wishes our members & residents and their families a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you at our January 7th, 2020 Board meeting.
The Board of Directors wishes our members & residents and their families a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you at our January 7th, 2020 Board meeting.
December 02, 2019
Villa of the Quarter: December 2019
December 02, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
November 16, 2019
2019 Notice of Annual Meeting & Election of Officers
November 16, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

Driving Directions to 14373 SW 142nd ST
- Head South on SW 122nd Ave
- Turn right onto SW 120th St
- Turn left onto SW 137th Ave/Lindgren Rd
- Turn right onto SW 136th St/Howard Dr
- Turn left onto SW 142nd Ave
- Take the 2nd right onto SW 142nd St
October 21, 2019
MDPD Haunted House
October 21, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
The Miami Dade Police Department Kendall District will be holding a Haunted House event on Thursday, October 31 starting at 5 PM and concluding at 9 PM. They will also have a Pumpkin Patch, Police K-9, Police Helicopter, DARE Vehicle, McGruff the Crime Dog and also provide candy and other treats.
October 20, 2019
Vandalism Devon-Aire Villas #1 West 10/19/2019
October 20, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
Sometime after 1 AM Saturday morning, a group of vandals went on a graffiti binge at the west side of the community. A community dog station, bulletin board, FPL transformers, Comcast pedestals, AT&T communications box and a homeowner's townhouse were all vandalized. We have been busy removing the mess since yesterday. Any member which sees any graffiti on any utility, common element or home in the community is asked to please Contact Us so we can take care of the issue.
As a reminder to members, no one should be out loitering in our community after hours and if a member or resident sees any suspicious activity occurring on or around the property, residents are urged to please contact Police immediately by calling their non emergency number at (305) 4-POLICE (476-5423). No incident large or small should ever go without being reported. If you believe that a crime is in progress, please call 911. Do not attempt make contact with any person engaging in suspicious activity and instead let Police handle the situation. Always Contact Us afterwards to let us know so we can follow-up with Police.
As a reminder to members, no one should be out loitering in our community after hours and if a member or resident sees any suspicious activity occurring on or around the property, residents are urged to please contact Police immediately by calling their non emergency number at (305) 4-POLICE (476-5423). No incident large or small should ever go without being reported. If you believe that a crime is in progress, please call 911. Do not attempt make contact with any person engaging in suspicious activity and instead let Police handle the situation. Always Contact Us afterwards to let us know so we can follow-up with Police.
October 12, 2019
Crime Watch Meeting: 10/17/2019
October 12, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
A Crime Watch meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, October 17th at 7PM. It will be held on the West side, main parking on SW 111th Lane next to the park. Click Here for location. We are asking that you make every effort to attend. It is only because of those involved that we have been able to keep crime low and it is all due to those who participate in Crime Watch that this is possible. Crime Watch doesn't work if you only get involved after you have become a victim of a crime.
As always, a Metro Dade Police Officer will be at the meeting to discuss crime trends in our area, statistics, news of interest as well as to answer any questions from attending residents.
As always, a Metro Dade Police Officer will be at the meeting to discuss crime trends in our area, statistics, news of interest as well as to answer any questions from attending residents.
September 14, 2019
2020 Annual Notice of Assessment
September 14, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
This is to inform our members that the annual assessment invoice for $553.67 has been mailed out. We wish to thank all of our members that pay their obligation on time. The funds collected are used in the day to day operations and maintenance of our community. Our current Collections Policy & Procedure for Annual Assessment can be reviewed online by Clicking Here. To avoid any potential issues we ask that you observe the following:
- If you do not receive your assessment invoice by October 1st, please contact us by visiting http://devonairehoa1.blogspot.com and selecting “Contact Us” to let us know.
- Payment is due on February 1st, 2020.
- Members may pay by Check, Money Order, eCheck or Credit Card.
- To pay by eCheck or Credit Card please visit: http://devonairehoa1.blogspot.com/p/epay.html
- Checks & Money Orders must be made payable to Devon-Aire Villa Homeowners Association #1, Inc and MUST be mailed in with your assessment coupon to ensure that processing of your payment is properly credited to your account.
- Please do not submit your payment using your Bank's bill payment system. If you wish to pay online, please pay by eCheck to ensure that processing of your payment is properly credited to your account.
- All checks or money orders MUST include that member’s account number in the memo field. Checks MAY NOT be postdated. A member paying by check must ensure that their check has enough funds to clear. Any check which is returned due to insufficient funds will have those costs added to their account balance and will be notified of these costs. A member whose check does not clear will be considered delinquent after the past due date.
- A late fee will be applied to all assessments received after the payment due date.
- Delinquent assessments shall bear interest from the due date at a rate of 6% per annum.
- A member whose account is forwarded to the Association Attorney due to non-payment is responsible for all costs associated with the recovery of their obligation to include interest, fees and all legal costs incurred. These costs will not be waived by the Association and must be paid in full by the member before any legal action is considered resolved. Members who have had their account forwarded to the Association Attorney shall have payment applied in the following order: legal fees and costs (including attorney fees), interest, returned check charges, lien fees, other miscellaneous costs incurred during recovery process, annual assessment
September 03, 2019
Hurricane Dorian Relief Supplies Collection - Bahamas
September 03, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
While we count ourselves lucky that we were spared the wrath of Hurricane Dorian, the people of the Bahamas were not as fortunate. On behalf of Miami Dade County Police - Kendall District, our community is accepting Hurricane relief supply donations for the Bahamas. Anyone wishing to donate are asked to Contact Us by email or by phone and we will send someone to pick up those supplies and deliver them to the MDPD Kendall Office on your behalf. If you wish to donate, please contact us no later than September 5th. The following items are being accepted:
Baby Wipes
Baby Formula
Hand-operated Can Openers
Mosquito Spray
Clothes Pins
Hygiene Products
Soap (bars)
Disposable plates and eating utensils
We thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Baby Wipes
Baby Formula
Hand-operated Can Openers
Mosquito Spray
Clothes Pins
Hygiene Products
Soap (bars)
Disposable plates and eating utensils
We thank you for any assistance you can provide.
August 29, 2019
Hurricane Dorian Preparations
August 29, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
Hurricane Dorian is expected to make landfall sometime late Sunday or Monday. At this time, most hurricane models show landfall occurring between Central Florida and the Florida\Georgia line. Although still a few days away from landfall, we are still within the cone of uncertainty and therefore hope that our members are taking this storm seriously and have begun preparations to secure the homes.
During preparations, we are asking our members to please NOT place any bulk waste of any kind out in front of their homes. Anyone having any bulk trash outside their homes are asked to have it removed from their homes even if they have already called 311 for a bulk pickup. Hurricane Dorian is expected to be a Category 3 or 4 storm when it reaches Florida and any unsecured debris that is left outdoors could become a projectile. Anyone having any bulk waste will need to take that waste to the Sunset/Kendall Trash & Recycling center which is located at 8000 SW 107th Ave while it is still open. Any member placing bulk waste in front or rear of their unit from Saturday, August 31st to Monday, September 2nd will have that bulk waste removed by the Association with the costs of removal charged to their account. Any member observing any illegal dumping within the community is asked to please Contact Us immediately. This is a safety concern which Association takes very seriously. Owners that are renting their units are asked to contact their tenants to ensure they comply with this request. Resident having any questions or concerns about issues that relate to the coming storm or need references for individuals that can assists them with storm preparations, please Contact Us.
Although Hurricane Dorian is not expected to make landfall in South Florida at this time, we are still within the cone of uncertainty. Should the storm track further south and make landfall in South Florida then Members of the Board will be on hand after the storm passes to check for any possible damage on the property and coordinate cleanup efforts in the community where necessary. Please keep a copy of our phone number found on our Contact Us page. In the event that you no longer have access to email, you may leave us voice mail or text us should you need to reach us after the storm.
This Tuesday's curbside garbage collection might be cancelled. Before placing your trash out on Monday night, please check with the MDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to make sure pickup hasn't been canceled. Please keep informed and up to date by periodically checking with Miami Dade County's EOC at: http://www.miamidade.gov/emergency. Miami Dade County Police will also posting updates on Nextdoor.com.
Stay safe and be prepared for Hurricane Dorian.
Please visit http://www.miamidade.gov/hurricane and review the Miami Dade County hurricane guide.
Secure Your Home
During preparations, we are asking our members to please NOT place any bulk waste of any kind out in front of their homes. Anyone having any bulk trash outside their homes are asked to have it removed from their homes even if they have already called 311 for a bulk pickup. Hurricane Dorian is expected to be a Category 3 or 4 storm when it reaches Florida and any unsecured debris that is left outdoors could become a projectile. Anyone having any bulk waste will need to take that waste to the Sunset/Kendall Trash & Recycling center which is located at 8000 SW 107th Ave while it is still open. Any member placing bulk waste in front or rear of their unit from Saturday, August 31st to Monday, September 2nd will have that bulk waste removed by the Association with the costs of removal charged to their account. Any member observing any illegal dumping within the community is asked to please Contact Us immediately. This is a safety concern which Association takes very seriously. Owners that are renting their units are asked to contact their tenants to ensure they comply with this request. Resident having any questions or concerns about issues that relate to the coming storm or need references for individuals that can assists them with storm preparations, please Contact Us.
Although Hurricane Dorian is not expected to make landfall in South Florida at this time, we are still within the cone of uncertainty. Should the storm track further south and make landfall in South Florida then Members of the Board will be on hand after the storm passes to check for any possible damage on the property and coordinate cleanup efforts in the community where necessary. Please keep a copy of our phone number found on our Contact Us page. In the event that you no longer have access to email, you may leave us voice mail or text us should you need to reach us after the storm.
This Tuesday's curbside garbage collection might be cancelled. Before placing your trash out on Monday night, please check with the MDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to make sure pickup hasn't been canceled. Please keep informed and up to date by periodically checking with Miami Dade County's EOC at: http://www.miamidade.gov/emergency. Miami Dade County Police will also posting updates on Nextdoor.com.
Stay safe and be prepared for Hurricane Dorian.
Please visit http://www.miamidade.gov/hurricane and review the Miami Dade County hurricane guide.
Secure Your Home
- Install hurricane shutters over windows and doors.
- Bring in all loose items left outside. Objects that are too big to bring in must be securely anchored. Large planters can be placed right next to the house.
- Take down hanging plants.
- Bring in or tie down all loose items from your yard, such as gazebos, umbrellas, patio furniture, toys, bicycles, grills and garbage cans.
- Residents should secure their green and blue trash/recycling container by placing them in their backyard or in their front patio if they have one. Residents living in areas without easy access to their backyards should place these containers next to their unit's firewall.
- Close and secure shutters. If you do not have shutters, mount plywood across windows and sliding glass doors. DO NOT PLACE TAPE ON YOUR WINDOWS as this offers absolutely no protection and will be difficult to remove afterwards.
- Do not leave debris such as trimmings in the yard or along the street. The storm could turn these into missiles.
- Remove turbine vents on the roof and replace with metal caps.
- Take down satellite dishes and TV antennas that are secured against the fascia as this will tear up your roof if the winds are high enough. It should not have been secured that way to begin with.
- Bring the pets indoors. They should be wearing identification and have a two-week supply of food.
- Park your car as close to the front of your home as possible. Avoid parking near trees.
- Fill your car's gas tank as soon as possible if you haven't done so already in case you have to leave in a hurry.
- By late Sunday or Monday evening, stay off the roads. It's too late to get supplies by that time, and you'll be competing with people trying evacuate to shelters.
- Conditions will deteriorate rapidly, sometimes hours before landfall, so get inside and be safe.
August 28, 2019
Villa of the Quarter: September 2019
August 28, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
August 27, 2019
Be Prepared for Dorian
August 27, 2019
- If told to evacuate, do so immediately. Do not drive around barricades.
- If sheltering during high winds, go to a FEMA safe room, ICC 500 storm shelter, or a small, interior, windowless room or hallway on the lowest floor that is not subject to flooding.
- If trapped in a building by flooding, go to the highest level of the building. Do not climb into a closed attic. You may become trapped by rising flood water.
- Listen for current emergency information and instructions.
- Use a generator or other gasoline-powered machinery outdoors ONLY and away from windows.
- Do not walk, swim, or drive through flood waters. Turn Around. Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.
- Hurricane Preparedness Online Toolkit: https://www.ready.
August 16, 2019
Notice of 2020 Annual Budget Meeting
August 16, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the Bylaws of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association No. 1, Inc. (the "Association"), that the 2020 Annual Association Budget Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019, 7:30 PM at 14373 SW 142nd Street Miami FL 33186. A notice was mailed out and posted on the community bulletin boards 15 days prior to this scheduled meeting which included a copy of the proposed budget. The Board of Directors will discuss and adopt the 2020 Budget at this meeting and urge members to attend if possible.
Notice was mailed by depositing with the United States Post Office or in a letter box in a postage-paid sealed envelope by Regular Mail to each member of the Association at his or her respective address as same appears on the books of the Association.
Members which fail to receive their notice along with proposed policy by August 23rd, 2019 and wish an electronic copy are asked to Contact Us.
- Call to Order
- Establishment of a quorum of the Board
- Discussion
- Open Forum
- Adoption of the 2020 budget.
- Adjournment
July 10, 2019
Governing Documents Revitalization
July 10, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
The Marketable Records Act requires that our community’s covenants be renewed every 30 years by a majority of the membership having a deed or other instrument evidencing an ownership interest in the community. At the recent Meetings of the Owners which was held on April 2nd, 2019, a majority of members voted yes to revitalize our community's covenants. Our covenants, also referred to as our governing documents, are comprised of our community's declaration, articles of incorporation, declaration of restrictions, By-Laws, rules & regulations and other documents registered in the Books of Miami Dade County. The Department of Economic Opportunity reviewed our community's petition and approved the revitalization which were subsequently recorded in Book 31481, Page 4404 of the Public Records of Miami Dade County. Over the next couple of weeks, members will begin receiving copies of all the approved and recorded documents that cover Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association #1, sections one, two & three. The copies you receive will contain our covenants as well as all past and current copies of our community's Rules & Regulations and the Collections Policy & Procedures for Annual Assessments and Other Charges. These copies will arrive in a spiral bound book. Please do not dispose of it and instead keep it for your records. We also ask that any members that may sell their units in the future to please pass these important documents onto the new owners
The Board of Directors would like to thank the members of the organizing committee as well as the members that assisted them by going door to door collecting signatures. The Board of Directors would also like to thank all the members that were able to attend the meeting of the owners either in person or by proxy. Your participation made the revitalization effort a success. We could not have done it without everyone's participation.
June 02, 2019
Villa of the Quarter: June 2019
June 02, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
The home chosen for the 2nd Quarter of 2019 belongs to Victor & Patricia Barreto who live on 110th ST Circle South. Having purchased their home 20 years ago, Mr. & Mrs. Barreto undertook several home improvements over that last few years. Although the elegant landscaping or walking path on the side of their home will surely be the first thing that catches your eye as you pass, they have also added impact windows, upgraded their front door and front sidewalk. These improvements make their home stand out and also add significant value to their home. On June 2nd, 2019 the Board President & Vice President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1: Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Cheesecake Factory gift card. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you for all the hard work you have put into your villa. We are proud to have you in the community.
April 13, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas: 2018 Compiled Financial Statement Notice
April 13, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
The Board of Directors of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association #1 (hereinafter the “Association”), in order to maintain the community to the standards defined in its Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, Declaration of Restrictions, By-Laws and Rules & Regulations and in accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 720, § 720.303(7)(a)1, have prepared a compiled financial statement for the 2018 fiscal year. This compiled financial statement can help interested Members better understand how their assessment dollars have actually been spent in the community using generally accepted accounting principles. Members of the community can request a copy of the compiled financial statement free of charge by submitting a written request to our Community Association Manager at the following address:
Brickell Property Management, Inc.
Attn: Devon-Aire Villas HOA #1
14373 S.W. 142nd ST
Miami, FL 33186-6727
Members who have a registered their email address with the Association may also submit their request in writing by going to our Contact Us page. The Association will only mail a copy of the compiled financial statement via USPS to the address on file. Members having questions regarding the compiled financial statement may also contact the Community Association Manager.
For the Board of Directors,
Scott Galya, Community Association Manager
Brickell Property Management, Inc.
Brickell Property Management, Inc.
Attn: Devon-Aire Villas HOA #1
14373 S.W. 142nd ST
Miami, FL 33186-6727
Members who have a registered their email address with the Association may also submit their request in writing by going to our Contact Us page. The Association will only mail a copy of the compiled financial statement via USPS to the address on file. Members having questions regarding the compiled financial statement may also contact the Community Association Manager.
For the Board of Directors,
Scott Galya, Community Association Manager
Brickell Property Management, Inc.
March 29, 2019
Crime Watch Meeting: 4/4/2019
March 29, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
A Crime Watch meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, April 4th at 7PM. It will be held on the West side, main parking on SW 111th Lane next to the park. Click Here for location. We are asking that you make every effort to attend. It is only because of those involved that we have been able to keep crime low and it is all due to those who participate in Crime Watch that this is possible. Crime Watch doesn't work if you only get involved after you have become a victim of a crime.
As always, a Metro Dade Police Officer will be at the meeting to discuss crime trends in our area, statistics, news of interest as well as to answer any questions from attending residents.
MDPD Officers Attending will be Officer Orlando Fleitas & K-9 Officer Ryan Fields along with "Sparky" which is part of the Community Outreach Support Dog Program.
As always, a Metro Dade Police Officer will be at the meeting to discuss crime trends in our area, statistics, news of interest as well as to answer any questions from attending residents.
MDPD Officers Attending will be Officer Orlando Fleitas & K-9 Officer Ryan Fields along with "Sparky" which is part of the Community Outreach Support Dog Program.
March 23, 2019
Driveway Widening & Repair
March 23, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
This fall the Association will be sealcoating and making road repairs throughout the community. As usual, we will also be sealcoating homeowner driveways. This work is performed every 5 years to prevent damage to roadways and driveways and also helps increase their useful lifespan. It is very important that all homeowners inspect their driveways and make any pothole repairs before work begins this fall. Members that cannot make repairs on their own and need references for someone who can, please Contact Us. We will send out more information regarding sealcoating towards the end of the summer or the beginning of fall.
The Association's contractor, Southern Asphalt Engineering, has given members of the Association the opportunity to professionally widen their driveways up to 10 feet at a bulk rate of $875 per unit. Homeowners which have 20 or 21 foot driveways can widen their driveways up to 30 feet which will allow them to park up to 3 cars. All owners who participate must obtain Association approval prior to the commencement of work by submitting an ACC form. Please contact Josh Kaufman at Southern Asphalt Engineering by calling (305) 667-8390 to make payment arrangements and schedule work on your driveway. All work must be completed before sealcoating begins this fall.
The Association's contractor, Southern Asphalt Engineering, has given members of the Association the opportunity to professionally widen their driveways up to 10 feet at a bulk rate of $875 per unit. Homeowners which have 20 or 21 foot driveways can widen their driveways up to 30 feet which will allow them to park up to 3 cars. All owners who participate must obtain Association approval prior to the commencement of work by submitting an ACC form. Please contact Josh Kaufman at Southern Asphalt Engineering by calling (305) 667-8390 to make payment arrangements and schedule work on your driveway. All work must be completed before sealcoating begins this fall.
March 19, 2019
Reminder: Meeting Of Owners
March 19, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
This is a reminder to the owners that are members of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association No. 1,
A Meeting of the Owners will be held on Tuesday, the 2nd day of April of 2019 at 7:30 p.m. at Brickell Property Management, Inc., located at 14373 SW 142nd St, Miami, Florida 33186. A mailing was sent out to all unit owners within the community at the beginning of March which contained the notice of meeting, proxy and self addressed stamped envelope along with meeting agenda. The purpose of this Owners Meeting will be the revitalization of the Association's governing documents per Florida Statutes 712 and 720. The revitalization will reinstate without any change whatsoever the current governing documents. The governing document can be found on our website under Documents & Forms and then clicking on Governing Documents.
If you cannot attend the meeting on April 2, 2019, please complete and sign the proxy form you received in the mail, which will count as your YES vote. IT IS VITAL THAT EACH HOMEOWNER SIGN AND RETURN THE PROXY TO INSURE THAT WE MAINTAIN OUR BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY. Mail us the signed proxy in the enclosed envelope, or call us and we will come by to pick up the completed proxy form. We may be reached at (305) 859-1462.
Members which fail to receive their notice along with a proxy and wish an electronic copy are asked to Contact Us.
A Meeting of the Owners will be held on Tuesday, the 2nd day of April of 2019 at 7:30 p.m. at Brickell Property Management, Inc., located at 14373 SW 142nd St, Miami, Florida 33186. A mailing was sent out to all unit owners within the community at the beginning of March which contained the notice of meeting, proxy and self addressed stamped envelope along with meeting agenda. The purpose of this Owners Meeting will be the revitalization of the Association's governing documents per Florida Statutes 712 and 720. The revitalization will reinstate without any change whatsoever the current governing documents. The governing document can be found on our website under Documents & Forms and then clicking on Governing Documents.
If you cannot attend the meeting on April 2, 2019, please complete and sign the proxy form you received in the mail, which will count as your YES vote. IT IS VITAL THAT EACH HOMEOWNER SIGN AND RETURN THE PROXY TO INSURE THAT WE MAINTAIN OUR BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY. Mail us the signed proxy in the enclosed envelope, or call us and we will come by to pick up the completed proxy form. We may be reached at (305) 859-1462.
- Call to Order
- Establishment Proof of Notice of Meeting
- Revitalization of the Association's Governing Documents by vote of majority of all owners, voting to be in person or by proxy received prior to the start of the meeting.
- Counting of the votes and proxies.
- Execution of appropriate affidavit as to vote taken at this meeting.
- Adjournment
March 15, 2019
Car Rim Theft: Villas West 3/15/2019
March 15, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
A homeowner on 122nd PL woke up this morning morning to find their car on blocks with its tires/rims stolen. The owner had their car parked in their own driveway and did not hear anything at the time. Anyone having any information regarding this theft is asked to contact Miami Dade County Police. Anyone around 109th LN or 122nd CT with cameras having footage that can be considered useful are urged to contact police. We have contacted Police and asked for a watch placed for our community.
It is important to note that this has been a trending problem all around Miami Dade County and has been brought up several times in the quarterly Crime Watch meetings held in the community. The type of car and rims stolen don't really follow a pattern and all cars seem to be targets. We have seen an increase in reported crimes just within the Devon-Aire community in general.It doesn't seem to matter if the rims are custom or if they are regular rims that come with your standard model car. Residents which have alloy wheels/rims should invest in one or two sets of wheel locks to secure their rims and ensure that the key used for those locks is not hidden in an obvious place where thieves will easily find it such as in your glove box or trunk. Car owners should also look into VIN etching kits or services as thieves tend to stay away from parts that have had their vehicle identification number (VIN) etched onto the rims, doors, windows, windshield, etc...To make it more difficult for thieves to steal your tires, make sure your front wheals are turned all the way left or right.
Also, we have also seen various reports of car hoppers in the area looking for valuables in cars. Always make sure to lock your cars, especially before turning in for the night. Always make sure that all items of value are never left in cars at anytime. These car burglars usually only break into vehicles which have been left unlocked so don't do them any favors. If you are ever a victim of a crime, please take the time to file a police report. We know that calling police to file report can be time consuming, however Miami Dade County Police now allow you to file a report for certain types of crimes online. Click Here if you need to file a police report. If a report is not filed, there is no way that police can establish trends to help mitigate these types of crimes. You may also file a report by phone by calling (305) 4-POLICE (476-5423).
It goes without saying that if suspicious activity is occurring on or around the property, residents are urged to please contact Police immediately by calling their non emergency number at (305) 4-POLICE (476-5423). No incident large or small should ever go without being reported. If you believe that a crime is in progress, please call 911. Do not attempt make contact with any person engaging in suspicious activity and instead let Police handle the situation. Always Contact Us afterwards to let us know so we can followup with Police.
It is important to note that this has been a trending problem all around Miami Dade County and has been brought up several times in the quarterly Crime Watch meetings held in the community. The type of car and rims stolen don't really follow a pattern and all cars seem to be targets. We have seen an increase in reported crimes just within the Devon-Aire community in general.It doesn't seem to matter if the rims are custom or if they are regular rims that come with your standard model car. Residents which have alloy wheels/rims should invest in one or two sets of wheel locks to secure their rims and ensure that the key used for those locks is not hidden in an obvious place where thieves will easily find it such as in your glove box or trunk. Car owners should also look into VIN etching kits or services as thieves tend to stay away from parts that have had their vehicle identification number (VIN) etched onto the rims, doors, windows, windshield, etc...To make it more difficult for thieves to steal your tires, make sure your front wheals are turned all the way left or right.
Also, we have also seen various reports of car hoppers in the area looking for valuables in cars. Always make sure to lock your cars, especially before turning in for the night. Always make sure that all items of value are never left in cars at anytime. These car burglars usually only break into vehicles which have been left unlocked so don't do them any favors. If you are ever a victim of a crime, please take the time to file a police report. We know that calling police to file report can be time consuming, however Miami Dade County Police now allow you to file a report for certain types of crimes online. Click Here if you need to file a police report. If a report is not filed, there is no way that police can establish trends to help mitigate these types of crimes. You may also file a report by phone by calling (305) 4-POLICE (476-5423).
It goes without saying that if suspicious activity is occurring on or around the property, residents are urged to please contact Police immediately by calling their non emergency number at (305) 4-POLICE (476-5423). No incident large or small should ever go without being reported. If you believe that a crime is in progress, please call 911. Do not attempt make contact with any person engaging in suspicious activity and instead let Police handle the situation. Always Contact Us afterwards to let us know so we can followup with Police.
March 10, 2019
Villa of the Quarter: March 2019
March 10, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
The home chosen for the 1st Quarter of 2019 belongs to Luis Sagastegui who lives on 110th ST Circle North. Having purchased his home 13 years ago, Mr Sagastegui only recently moved back into his home a couple of years ago. Since that time Mr. Sagastegui has put in a lot of work into his unit from redoing the landscaping to replacing his unit’s windows, tiling his front entrance and adding additional exterior lighting. His home’s transformation really makes it stand out. On March 2nd, 2019 the Board President & Vice President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1: Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Cheesecake Factory gift card. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you for all the hard work you have put into your villa. We are proud to have you in the community.
February 02, 2019
Car Theft: Villas West 1/27/2019
February 02, 2019
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
We received a report from one of our residents that their Nissan Altima was stolen from the front of their home late at night. The theft occurred on 111th LN. Unfortunately no one heard or saw anything suspicious since it was so late at night. Although the affected resident doesn't recall if he left his vehicles door unlocked, Members of the Board that attended the 1/30/2019 CAC meeting at the MDPD Kendall station were told that Altimas are prime targets for thefts at the moment and that some thieves may possess devices that make it easier for them to steal these vehicles.
We urge our member to please leave their front porch lights on during the night to deter such thefts. If you are concerned about the electrical costs, please keep in mind that with today's LED light bulbs, power consumption is very negligible. The few pennies you pay per day to run LED lights will far outweigh the aggravation of having your vehicle stolen. We have also been told by police that the security cameras, the Ring doorbell and similar devices can also help deter such crimes.
It goes without saying that if suspicious activity is occurring on or around the property, residents are urged to please contact Police immediately by calling their non-emergency number at (305) 4-POLICE (476-5423). If you believe that a crime is in progress, please call 911. Do not attempt contact with any person engaging in suspicious activity and instead let Police handle the situation. It is important that residents always file a Police report for any crime that has been committed against them, no matter how small or insignificant you think it might be. If a report is not filed, Police have no way to determine crime trends in a community. After filing a Police report, please let us know so we can alert the rest of our members.
We urge our member to please leave their front porch lights on during the night to deter such thefts. If you are concerned about the electrical costs, please keep in mind that with today's LED light bulbs, power consumption is very negligible. The few pennies you pay per day to run LED lights will far outweigh the aggravation of having your vehicle stolen. We have also been told by police that the security cameras, the Ring doorbell and similar devices can also help deter such crimes.
It goes without saying that if suspicious activity is occurring on or around the property, residents are urged to please contact Police immediately by calling their non-emergency number at (305) 4-POLICE (476-5423). If you believe that a crime is in progress, please call 911. Do not attempt contact with any person engaging in suspicious activity and instead let Police handle the situation. It is important that residents always file a Police report for any crime that has been committed against them, no matter how small or insignificant you think it might be. If a report is not filed, Police have no way to determine crime trends in a community. After filing a Police report, please let us know so we can alert the rest of our members.