The Association has received notice today that locators were on premises marking dig locations in the community. AT&T will begin upgrading their existing infrastructure to extend fiber to the East side of the Community starting tomorrow morning. Any member’s that may have extended their property over a designated easements, particularly on the perimeter of Circle North, East and South, are to ensure that access to the rear and side of those easements are made available to AT&T contractors should they request it. At no time are members or their tenants permitted to deny access to easements regardless of the reason. It is also important to note that if there is any damage to permanent construction built upon a member’s easement against our community governing documents or Miami Dade County Building Codes, AT&T will not repair that damage although they will try their best not to. AT&T has assured us that any disturbed areas will be restored at the end of construction. Any member experiencing any issues as a result of AT&T activities are asked to Contact Us so we can address those issues on your behalf.