For those of you which enjoy light displays or have small children that do, The Hannah's, one of our neighbors in Devon-Aire Estates, transform their home into a castle that puts on a spectacular light show they call the Christmas Castle. This is a light display with some 50,000 lights which are synchronized to holiday music. They occasionally have characters at the display, some from the movie Frozen and also put out a fireworks show (weather permitting) on some nights at the end of the show. Folks living on 123rd Place have undoubtedly heard the music playing daily and occasional fireworks. The lights run from Sunday - Thursday from 6PM - 10PM and Friday - Saturday 6PM - 11PM and will run through December 28th. Donations benefiting autism awareness through the Dan Marino Autism Foundation can be made while there. The display is located at 12331 SW 109th Terr which is a short walk from Devon-Aire Villas #1 West through the 106th Street exit. You can visit their web site by going to: If you are unable to go there to see it for yourself, there are some videos posted by the Hannah's for you to enjoy on their website.
December 18, 2014
Holiday Light Display Benefiting Autism Awareness
December 18, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
December 13, 2014
Completion of Sealcoat of Common Streets & Driveways 12/6/2014
December 13, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
The sealcoating project came to a successful close on Thursday, 12/11/2014. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the residents that helped us knock on doors in the mornings, direct traffic, direct parking and keep watch of the streets during the project. The project was better organized than the 2009 project. We also want to thank all the residents that wrote in and called letting us know how well things turned out. We agree and hope that the slight inconvenience posed during the project not only keeps the roads looking good but will also help protect the roads for another 5 years.
November 30, 2014
Sealcoat of Common Streets & Driveways to Begin 12/6/2014
November 30, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
Devon-Aire #1 will begin Seal Coating the community roads and your personal driveway on 12/6/2014. Homeowners are responsible to edge the grass around their driveway before sealing begins.
Vehicles left within the area to be seal coated after 7 AM on the date their section is to begin will be towed away at the owners expense. Therefore, we advise you to move your vehicle(s) the day before or the morning of the sealcoat of your area and driveway. If sealcoating begins you will not be able to move your vehicle without damaging the sealcoat and will be charged for any damage if you attempt to move your vehicle once sealcoating has begun.
Vehicles will not be permitted to drive on the seal coated area for 48 hours after it is applied. Do not enter barricaded areas until the barricades are removed by staff. Vehicles that drive on freshly seal coated areas before they are opened by the staff will damage the seal coating and damage caused by any resident/tenant will be directly billed to that homeowner.
Parking will be permitted in the common areas outside of the barricade areas. If any homeowner or tenant removes a barricade or drives on an area and damages the sealcoat the cost for repair will be directly billed to that homeowner.
The association has hired security officers to monitor the parking areas and maintain the integrity of the barricaded areas. Homeowners may not park on the grass of their home or block driveways or streets. They must park in designated parking areas which will be located in the common grass fields or exterior sidewalks on 122nd Avenue or 106th Street surrounding the community.
If it rains, seal coating will be cancelled for that day and will be rescheduled for the following day.
The inconvenience is only for a few days but your patience during this process is for the betterment of this community and the Association appreciates your cooperation. If you do not wish to have your driveway sealcoated please place a rope and sign indicating such. If your driveway is in disrepair or contains a vehicle it will not be sealcoated. Also, volunteers are needed to help direct traffic and monitor the seal coated areas. Please contact Management @ (305) 251-0777.
Please review the Site Plan provided and note the Color Area that your home is located in. Work in the Colored Areas will begin as follows:
Vehicles left within the area to be seal coated after 7 AM on the date their section is to begin will be towed away at the owners expense. Therefore, we advise you to move your vehicle(s) the day before or the morning of the sealcoat of your area and driveway. If sealcoating begins you will not be able to move your vehicle without damaging the sealcoat and will be charged for any damage if you attempt to move your vehicle once sealcoating has begun.
Vehicles will not be permitted to drive on the seal coated area for 48 hours after it is applied. Do not enter barricaded areas until the barricades are removed by staff. Vehicles that drive on freshly seal coated areas before they are opened by the staff will damage the seal coating and damage caused by any resident/tenant will be directly billed to that homeowner.
Parking will be permitted in the common areas outside of the barricade areas. If any homeowner or tenant removes a barricade or drives on an area and damages the sealcoat the cost for repair will be directly billed to that homeowner.
The association has hired security officers to monitor the parking areas and maintain the integrity of the barricaded areas. Homeowners may not park on the grass of their home or block driveways or streets. They must park in designated parking areas which will be located in the common grass fields or exterior sidewalks on 122nd Avenue or 106th Street surrounding the community.
If it rains, seal coating will be cancelled for that day and will be rescheduled for the following day.
The inconvenience is only for a few days but your patience during this process is for the betterment of this community and the Association appreciates your cooperation. If you do not wish to have your driveway sealcoated please place a rope and sign indicating such. If your driveway is in disrepair or contains a vehicle it will not be sealcoated. Also, volunteers are needed to help direct traffic and monitor the seal coated areas. Please contact Management @ (305) 251-0777.
Please review the Site Plan provided and note the Color Area that your home is located in. Work in the Colored Areas will begin as follows:
East Side | Click Here for Map |
Blue Area:
Saturday 12/6/2014 |
Sunday 12/7/2014 | |
Orange Area:
Monday 12/8/2014 |
Tuesday 12/9/2014 | |
Yellow Area:
Wednesday 12/10/2014 |
Thursday 12/11/2014 | |
West Side | Click Here for Map |
Blue Area:
Saturday 12/6/2014 |
Sunday 12/7/2014 | |
Orange Area:
Monday 12/8/2014 |
Tuesday 12/9/2014 | |
Yellow Area:
Wednesday 12/10/2014 |
Thursday 12/11/2014 |
November 15, 2014
2015 Annual Notice of Assessment
November 15, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
This is to inform our members that the annual assessment invoice for $433.83 has been mailed out. Please remember that there is a new Collections Policy & Procedure for Annual Assessment in effect which you can review by Clicking Here. We wish to thank all of our members that pay their obligation on time. The funds collected are used in the day to day operations and maintenance of our community. To avoid any potential issues we ask that you observe the following:
- If you do not receive your assessment invoice by November 21st, please contact us by visiting and selecting “Contact Us” to let us know.
- Payment is due January 1st, 2015 and will be considered delinquent after January 20th, 2015.
- Members may pay by check, money order or credit card.
- All checks must be made payable to Devon-Aire Villa Homeowners Association #1, Inc.
- All checks MUST include that member’s account number in the memo field. Checks MAY NOT be post dated. A member paying by check must ensure that their check has enough funds to clear. Any check which is returned due to insufficient funds will have those costs added to their account balance and will be notified of these costs. A member whose check does not clear will be considered delinquent after the past due date.
- To pay by credit card please visit:
- Any past due assessment shall bear interest from the due date at a rate of 6% per annum.
- A member whose account is forwarded to the Association Attorney due to non-payment is responsible for all costs associated with the recovery of their obligation to include interest, fees and all legal costs incurred. These costs will not be waived by the Association and must be paid in full by the member before any legal action is considered resolved. Members who have had their account forwarded to the Association Attorney shall have payment applied in the following order: legal fees and costs (including attorney fees), interest, returned check charges, lien fees, other miscellaneous costs incurred during recovery process, annual assessment
November 09, 2014
2014 Notice of Annual Meeting & Election of Officers
November 09, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

October 08, 2014
Crime Watch Meeting: 10/9/2014
October 08, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
A Crime Watch meeting has been scheduled for October 9th at 7PM. It will be held on the West side, main parking on SW 111th Lane next to the park. Click Here for location. We are asking that you make every effort to attend. It is only because of those involved that we have been able to keep crime to a minimum and it is all due to those who participate in Crime Watch that this is possible. Crime Watch doesn't work if you only get involved after you have become a victim of a crime.
As always, a Metro Dade Police Officer will be at the meeting to discuss crime trends in our area, statistics, news of interest as well as to answer any questions from attending residents.
As always, a Metro Dade Police Officer will be at the meeting to discuss crime trends in our area, statistics, news of interest as well as to answer any questions from attending residents.
September 23, 2014
The Day The Lights Were Switched On At Devon-Aire Villas #1
September 23, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

September 18, 2014
Drug Bust: Devon-Aire Villas #1 West 9/17/2014
September 18, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
MDPD served a warrant on a tenant living in a home located on SW 106th Terr yesterday evening. They arrested the suspect once they arrived at their villa. We were told that they had a small marijuana grow room in their unit. This type of activity could happen anywhere and we are no exception. At last months CAC meeting held at the Kendall police station, they talked about drug activity in general and what to look for. Here are some things to look for:
- Homes with a lot of guest traffic during the day and night for stays lasting only a few minutes.
- Blinds, shutters or other material on windows to block light.
- Finding drugs or drug paraphernalia in the area.
- Visible and repeated exchanges of items in the open including exchanges of money.
- Musty or other foul odors coming from a home.
September 05, 2014
Board Director Resignation
September 05, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

The Board will begin searching for a new Director to fill in the vacancy. If your are interested in the position, please Contact Us.
September 02, 2014
Car Theft: Devon-Aire Villas #1 West 9/2/2014
September 02, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
A car theft was reported to our Board President and called into Miami Dade County Police this morning. The owner of a green Acura had parked on the canal side guest parking on 111th Lane around 10PM last night and awoke to find it missing. Anyone with any information is asked to please contact MDPD at (305) 476-5423.
We highly encourage all residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to police. Please keep your front porch lights on at night and if you are an end unit with an area light please be sure that it is in working order. There is an active Crime Watch in our community. If you are interested in participating, please send us your name, address & phone number by using our Contact Us page.
August 16, 2014
Villa of the Quarter: September 2014
August 16, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

August 15, 2014
Sealcoating Project 2014
August 15, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
This October we will be sealcoating our communities private roads as part of routine maintenance. Members who wish to extend their driveways to accommodate an additional vehicle are encouraged to do so before October. If you are interested in extending your driveway or need some other type of driveway repair and wish to have a price quote from our contractor, please Contact Us and we will put you in touch with him. As a benefit to our members, we will also be sealcoating your driveway at no additional cost to you. There are some conditions however which members must address before October. If a driveway has any potholes, root damage or in any state of disrepair our contractor will be unable to sealcoat your driveway. It is your responsibility to have such issues corrected before that time otherwise your driveway will be skipped come October. As a member of Devon-Aire Villas #1 you are expected to maintain your villa in good order as defined in section 2.6 of our Rules & Regulations. Should your driveway need attention, we hope that you take this opportunity to address the issue. If you have any questions, please Contact Us.
We will send out further instructions to our members as we approach October with schedules of which days and sections will be sealcoated. On the day sealcoating is scheduled for your section, you will be unable to use the private roads leading to your home and will need to park at designated areas we will set up at that time. If you rent out your unit, it is extremely important that you communicate this information to your tenants. We do understand that their will be a slight inconvenience to members during the time your section is sealcoated however this slight inconvenience will have a lasting benefit to our private roads and driveways.
July 27, 2014
Importance of Screening Tenants
July 27, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
As is inevitable, some members outgrow their homes here at Devon-Aire Villas and ultimately move out to a bigger home. In some cases, those members rent out their homes. While there is nothing wrong with that, we would like to stress how important it is for member to do their homework and screen potential tenants before renting out the unit to them. Members should use a professional screening service that can perform a criminal, credit and eviction check on any applicant such as if at all possible. Although there is cost up front it could end up saving you thousands of dollars in headaches.
Just recently, a member had a tenant move out. This tenant was already causing them issues because they were not adhering to the communities rules & regulations. What they found when they entered the home will cost them thousands of dollars in repairs. No amount of collected rent money can compensate the owner in the damage the renter left inside the home. The walls, kitchen cabinets, kitchen appliances, bathroom, etc all had to be gutted. We would post pictures of the inside of the home, however the stench inside is so bad it requires a mask.
July 15, 2014
Help Keep Our Community Clean
July 15, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

Please help keep the front of your villas clean and neat. If bulk trash must be placed in front of your unit, you must email us or call our property manager and let us know that you have scheduled a county pickup. If you throw any bulk trash in front of your unit that is not inside of a garbage can, it will be removed by the association and the removal cost will be charged to your account. You can set up a county pickup by calling 311 or by going to If you see anyone throwing out trash unto the common areas, please contact us and let us know who it is so we can address it. If everyone does their part, it will go a long way keeping the annual dues down.
July 09, 2014
Burglary Devon-Aire #1 East 7/2/2014
July 09, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
A burglary has been reported on for a home located at 12000 BLOCK SW 110TH ST CIR E. The incident was not reported to us so we are not sure which home on Circle East this occurred at. Anyone with any information is asked to please contact MDPD at (305) 476-5423.
We highly encourage all residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to police. Please keep your front porch lights on at night and if you are an end unit with an area light please be sure that it is in working order. There is an active Crime Watch in our community. If you are interested in participating, please send us your name, address & phone number by using our Contact Us page.
July 06, 2014
New Location to Purchase Approved Paint
July 06, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
For quite some time now, many folks have asked about the ability to purchase paint from the Home Depot. Last month the Board took the initiative to begin talking to the Home Depot to see what they could do for us. After some work, they now have our communities paint colors on file at the Home Depot Pro Desk located at 12700 North Kendall Drive. If you wish to purchase paint at the Home Depot, you have two options. You can visit their Pro Desk which is open Mon - Fri and ask them for the Devon-Aire Villas # 1 paint color that correspond to your unit which is either the Brown & Beige or Green & Beige. If you are unsure which color corresponds to you, send us an email and we will get back to you. If you would rather go straight to the paint center, you can download and print the flyer that corresponds to your unit. For the Brown & Beige homes, Click Here. For the Green & Beige homes, Click Here. As always, please submit an ACC form before you begin work on your home.
July 03, 2014
July 4th - Picnic & Soccer at the Park
July 03, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

When: Friday, July 4th, 2014 from noon
until 4:00 pm.
Where: The South side of Devon-Aire #1 WestPark, 111th Street. There is additional curbside parking on the North side of
the park on 106th Street.
Click Here for Flyer
June 28, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas #1 - Lighting Project Update
June 28, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
On June 20th, our lighting contractor finished receiving all the materials necessary to begin the light installations at the entrances of Devon-Aire Villas #1 East & West which is the first phase of this long term project. You may have noticed his crew at the entrances as they begin re-marking the areas they will be working for the next several weeks. Work is scheduled to be completed by the end of July if not sooner. As with any construction project there undoubtly will be some inconveniences to our members but the long term benifit will be well worth it. We know many of you have been asking for lighting at the entrances for years and we thank you for your patience.
June 07, 2014
Crime Watch Meeting: 6/12/2014
June 07, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
A Crime Watch meeting has been scheduled for June 12th at 7PM. It will be held on the East side, main entrance parking lot this time around. Click Here for location. A Metro Dade Police Officer will be at the meeting to discuss crime trends in our area, statistics, news of interest as well as to answer any questions from attending residents. The meeting will be short and we encourage everyone to attend.
June 2014 Board Meeting
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
This is just a reminder that the June 2014 Board meeting is scheduled for the 10th. A representative for the company that we have hired for the lighting project will be attending this months meeting to provide the timeline for the commencement of work. We encourage all residents to attend if possible. Your participation is highly valued and helps us immensely especially when residents voice their issues, opinions and concerns. If you wish to attend, but do not have the means to get there, please let us know. Meeting starts promptly at 7:30 PM.
May 05, 2014
New Dog Stations
May 05, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
Two stations are on the West side in the park and one on the East side on Circle East. The stations which were chosen are designed so that there is no or little offending odors emanating from them and include bag dispenser so owners don't even have to carry a bag with them. Since their installation this last month, residents have been using the stations and the messes that were being left behind have begun to disappear. For those owners doing their part, we want to thank you. If you observe any resident which is not picking after their dog, please let us know so we can speak to them.
May 04, 2014
2014 Landscaping Project
May 04, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
A lot of work was also put into tree pruning on the East side in this years project with a lot of effort placed in the many neglect trees and palms on that side of the property.
Next year we plan to focus even more of our attention to the East side of the property which has been neglected through the years. We will be discussing some of those plans with our landscaper at this months Board meeting. Our intention is to eventually create an atmosphere to rival that of the West side. If you have an interest in what the future of the East side may hold, we ask that you attend this months Board meeting.
April 25, 2014
Miami Herald: Statewide Crime is Down
April 25, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

From: Alina LOPEZ <>
Date: Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 12:36 PM
Subject: FW: Please share with your crime watchers...thank you!
Congratulations to all Crime Watchers for your efforts, you do make a difference. This is what happens when you work closely with your law enforcement partners! Thank you ALL…Click Here to read Miami Herald article.
Alina Lopez
Crime Prevention Practitioner
Citizens'/Youth Crime Watch of Miami-Dade County
1515 NW 79th Avenue
Doral, Florida 33126
305-468-1304 office
Crime Prevention Practitioner
Citizens'/Youth Crime Watch of Miami-Dade County
1515 NW 79th Avenue
Doral, Florida 33126
305-468-1304 office
305-470-1676 fax
April 19, 2014
May 6th Board Meeting: Violation Policy & Procedure
April 19, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
At Devon-Aire Villas # 1, most owners maintain their homes and its surroundings relatively well by making sure that their homes are painted every few years, roofs are maintained, lawns mowed, trashcans are never left out after trash day, etc... There are some homes however were owners may need some work done or some other reminder and usually a letter from our Property Manager is all that is needed to correct a problem. There are some cases however where a homeowner simply ignore these letters. Over the years, the cost of sending letter after letter along with legal demands requesting compliance have been costly and time consuming. These costs are eventually passed on to all homeowners through their annual assessment. In an effort to cut down on those costs, the Board of Directors will review a new Violation Policy & Procedure in an effort to streamline the process as well as cut costs by limiting the amount of letters sent out before legal remedies are pursued. This new policy will make use of Florida Statute 720.305(2) which allows for the imposition of fines. On April 14th a draft copy of this new policy & procedure was mailed out to all homeowners for review. The Board of Directors will vote on adoption in the May 6th meeting and ask homeowners who may have comments or concerns to attend. If you can not attend, please submit your comments or concerns by emailing us using the Contact Us page on our website.
The Board of Directors understands that violation notices are never a welcome sight for homeowners and will actively work with homeowners who contact us asking for help in addressing their issue. We ask that if any homeowner receiving a notice has an issue with any letter they receive, please do not ignore the correspondence and instead Contact Us by email or by phone. By addressing a notice early will ensure that there are no unnecessary escalations or misunderstandings.
The Board of Directors understands that violation notices are never a welcome sight for homeowners and will actively work with homeowners who contact us asking for help in addressing their issue. We ask that if any homeowner receiving a notice has an issue with any letter they receive, please do not ignore the correspondence and instead Contact Us by email or by phone. By addressing a notice early will ensure that there are no unnecessary escalations or misunderstandings.
April 05, 2014
The Importance of Crime Watch
April 05, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
Recently some residents have been reporting suspicious activity to MDPD and us regarding locations on the West side guest parking areas. This is exactly how Crime Watch is supposed to work. What we don't want is for folks to stop being engaged. It is easy to forget the rash of burglaries we had in our community more than a year ago. Recently an article appeared in the Miami Herald regarding a spate of recent burglaries at The Crossings. Although The Crossings has an established Crime Watch, residents have become passive and less engaged with their neighbors and surroundings. This has Police in the area frustrated. Please don't let that happen here. Get to know your neighbors and when you notice something suspicious, please call Police. You can follow up later and Contact Us to let us know what you reported to them. Some of these reports are distributed to those of you on the Crime Watch distribution list. If it is serious enough, we will contact homeowners in the affected area for which we have phone numbers. The more we watch our surroundings, the less likely crime will want to stick around.
Click Here to read the Miami Herald article.
Click Here to read the Miami Herald article.
March 27, 2014
Theft\Vandalism Devon-Aire Villas #1 East\West - March 2014
March 27, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
We received a couple of notifications this week via of a reported theft on on the East side on March 20th and a report of vandalism on the West side on March 17th.
Description | Case # | Location | Date | |
THEFT/LARCENY | PD140320102811 | 12000 BLOCK SW 110TH ST CIR | 3/20/2014 10:43:00 AM | |
VANDALISM | PD140317099222 | 12300 BLOCK SW 111TH LN | 3/17/2014 2:23:00 PM | |
The address location isn't too specific as to where on the Circle the theft occurred. The listed incident description usually indicates that something was stolen from in front or around a home. If you know the homeowner affected by this theft, please have them contact us.
The vandalism report was emailed in to us by the owner. Someone one crashed into affected owners mailbox and destroyed it in the process. Owner lives on 111th LN on the West side. Anyone having information is asked to please contact us.
The vandalism report was emailed in to us by the owner. Someone one crashed into affected owners mailbox and destroyed it in the process. Owner lives on 111th LN on the West side. Anyone having information is asked to please contact us.
March 13, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas #1 - Lighting Project
March 13, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

February 27, 2014
Vandalism Devon-Aire Villas #1 East 2/15/2014
February 27, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
For more than a year now, we have been battling ongoing vandalism at the East end of the villas. It is occurring at the boundary wall that faces the Turnpike. The individuals responsible have torn down or damaged parts of the fence and shrubbery just to gain access to the wall which they then deface with graffiti. Damage to the fence exposes the community to liability should a small child wander through and end up in the canal. Also, even though the wall faces the Turnpike, we are responsible for the wall's upkeep and Miami Dade County will cite the community should we not do so. To date, we have repaired the fence and painted over the graffiti 4 times at great cost to homeowners with the most recent activity occurring on 2/15/2014.
If you live at SW 110th Street CIR East, the end of SW 110th Street CIR North or the end of SW 110th Street CIR South, we ask that you please be on the lookout for anyone who may be attempting to access the Turnpike easement and call Police right away. It is more than likely that whoever is responsible is committing these acts late at night. If you have any information on who may committing these acts of vandalism, please Contact Us.
If you live at SW 110th Street CIR East, the end of SW 110th Street CIR North or the end of SW 110th Street CIR South, we ask that you please be on the lookout for anyone who may be attempting to access the Turnpike easement and call Police right away. It is more than likely that whoever is responsible is committing these acts late at night. If you have any information on who may committing these acts of vandalism, please Contact Us.
February 13, 2014
Update: Crime Watch Meeting: 2/12/2014
February 13, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
We would like to thank everyone that attended the Crime Watch meeting today. Attendance was higher than expected and is appreciated. The attending Officer went over the crime statistics for our community and compared to last Octobers statistics, there has been a dramatic decrease in crime with only one reported incident on SW 111th Lane. There has also been an increase in calls to Police to report suspicious activity which is exactly what Crime Watch is all about. Remember to call the non-emergency number at 305-4-POLICE (305-476-5423) to report any suspicious activity, however if you observe a crime in progress please dial 911. After reporting the incident, please let us know as well so we can alert everyone else of the incident. It is also important to note that you should report all crimes, big or small, to Police that have affected you or your property including acts of vandalism. We have heard from a few residents that in the past they neglected to contact Police because they thought the incident was too minor.
The attending Officer had a couple of notes of interest regarding crime trends this quarter. If you haven't filed your taxes, the sooner you file the better. This is to avoid tax identity theft which is on the rise. Also, from our recent CAC meeting at the Kendall Police station and also repeated by the attending Officer, there has been an increase in Tire & Rim thefts in Dade County. I personally saw a car left on 4 cinder blocks not to far from here on 122nd Ave and 96th St a couple of days ago.
The Metro Dade County Mobile Crime Prevention unit was also on property during this meeting and many of you took the opportunity to check it out. We would like to thank Sergeant Bermudez for arranging the visit.
There have been updates to the Crime Watch participant list. If you would like an updated copy, please send me an email and I will get that information to you. To those of you who attended the meeting and have signed up to receive these notices, thanks for coming and joining the group. The more eyes we have on the community the safer we all will be.
The next Crime Watch meeting will likely be scheduled for sometime in May and will be held on the East side entrance parking lot. We will send out notices once we have finalized the exact day.
The attending Officer had a couple of notes of interest regarding crime trends this quarter. If you haven't filed your taxes, the sooner you file the better. This is to avoid tax identity theft which is on the rise. Also, from our recent CAC meeting at the Kendall Police station and also repeated by the attending Officer, there has been an increase in Tire & Rim thefts in Dade County. I personally saw a car left on 4 cinder blocks not to far from here on 122nd Ave and 96th St a couple of days ago.
The Metro Dade County Mobile Crime Prevention unit was also on property during this meeting and many of you took the opportunity to check it out. We would like to thank Sergeant Bermudez for arranging the visit.
There have been updates to the Crime Watch participant list. If you would like an updated copy, please send me an email and I will get that information to you. To those of you who attended the meeting and have signed up to receive these notices, thanks for coming and joining the group. The more eyes we have on the community the safer we all will be.
The next Crime Watch meeting will likely be scheduled for sometime in May and will be held on the East side entrance parking lot. We will send out notices once we have finalized the exact day.
February 02, 2014
Comcast On Property Repair Work
February 02, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
We have been in contact with Comcast recently due to the large amount of broken pedestals and unburied cable lines on property. We met with a Comcast supervisor this week and went around the property to go over affected equipment. They have told us that they will begin repairs within the next few weeks so expect an increased Comcast presence during this time.
January 29, 2014
Crime Watch Meeting: 2/12/2014
January 29, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
It has been a few months since our community held their first Crime Watch meeting and it is now time to schedule the next one. The next meeting has been scheduled for February 12th at 7PM. It will be held on the West Side parking lot. Click Here for location. A Metro Dade Police Officer will be at the meeting to discuss crime trends in our area, statistics, news of interest as well as to answer any questions from attending residents. The meeting will be short and we encourage everyone to attend.
January 27, 2014
New Annual Assessment Payment Options
January 27, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
We are pleased to announce that Devon-Aire Villas # 1 can now accept annual assessments via eCheck or by Credit Card as an option from homeowners. We would like to thank Scott Galya, our property manager, and Executive National Bank for making this possible. To make use of this option, you will need your Devon-Aire Villas #1 account number when creating an account in order to pay online. You can find this information listed on the coupon you received in the mail in December. If you do not have your account number, please reach out to us via the Contact Us section on our home page and we will get that information to you as soon as possible. You can find the link to the online payment system on the right hand column of the page, right below the event calendar. You will also find a help guide there should you have any questions on using the system. Please note that there is a $1.95 service fee if you pay by eCheck and a $15 service fee if paying by credit card. As always, there is no service fee if paying by check and mailing your coupon to us.
We hope that this new system is of benefit to our homeowners. Should you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us.
We hope that this new system is of benefit to our homeowners. Should you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us.
January 25, 2014
MDPD Crime Prevention Section - Free Security Survey
January 25, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

January 22, 2014
Updated: February 2014 Board Meeting
January 22, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
The February 2014 Board meeting originally scheduled for the 4th has been re-scheduled for the 11th due to a scheduling conflict. We also had to re-schedule the meeting with the association attorney until our March 13th meeting. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We will again try to discuss the cat issue that residents on the West side have raised concerns over. Unfortunately residents which raised concerns over the issue were unable to attend. If you are one of the affected homeowners, we will need you there in order to decide on a course of action. Your participation is highly valued and helps us immensely especially when trying to address your concerns. If you wish to attend, but do not have the means to get there, please let us know. Meeting will start promptly at 7:30 PM.
January 13, 2014
Commisioner's District 8 E-Newsletter
January 13, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association

January 11, 2014
Theft at Devon-Aire Villas #1 East 1/7/2014
January 11, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
We received a notification yesterday via of a reported theft on the East side on the 7th of January.
Description | Case # | Location | Date | Map It |
THEFT/LARCENY | PD140107009163 | 12100 BLOCK SW 110TH ST CIR | 1/7/2014 6:56:00 PM | Map It |
The address location isn't too specific as to where on the Circle the theft occurred. The listed incident description usually indicates that something was stolen from in front or around a home. If you know the homeowner affected by this theft, please have them contact us.
January 10, 2014
January 2014 Board Meeting
January 10, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
This is just a reminder that the January 2014 Board meeting is scheduled for the 14th. As we start off the new year we wish to encourage all residents to attend our board meetings as often as possible. Your participation is highly valued and helps us immensely especially when residents voice their issues, opinions and concerns. If you wish to attend, but do not have the means to get there, please let us know. Meeting starts promptly at 7:30 PM.
January 09, 2014
Update: Mail Box Tampering at Devon-Aire #1 West 1/19/2014
January 09, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
Back in our January board meeting, a resident from the East side reported that they had observed an unknown person going through mail boxes on their street. The resident did not call police and was unable to see a car tag for the individual.
This evening I received a phone call from one of our Crime Watch volunteers. Her neighbor reported to her that she also observed an unknown person going through street mail boxes this morning on the West side near SW 110th LN. She was able to get a tag & description of the car as well as description of the person going through the mailboxes. She also called police and obtained a police report. The person is described as a white heavy set male wearing a baseball cap low over their face. The car was described as a silver Toyota with dark tinted windows.
We can't stress enough how important it is to call the police whenever residents observe illegal activity such as this and then report it to their local Crime Watch volunteer so they can report it to us. We want to thank the homeowner who called police, and later us, for being vigilant. That is what Crime Watch is all about.
UPDATE: We received a call from the resident that reported the incident and they stated that they observed the vehicle parked in one of the townhouse's driveway last night. When they talked to the owner of that home, they stated that the individual was staying with them temporarily. They stated that the reason he looked through some of the mail boxes is because he got the addresses mixed up and was supposed to pick up a cell phone that was left within a mailbox. Resident called police to amend the police report and they will follow up with the incident.
UPDATE: We received a call from the resident that reported the incident and they stated that they observed the vehicle parked in one of the townhouse's driveway last night. When they talked to the owner of that home, they stated that the individual was staying with them temporarily. They stated that the reason he looked through some of the mail boxes is because he got the addresses mixed up and was supposed to pick up a cell phone that was left within a mailbox. Resident called police to amend the police report and they will follow up with the incident.