On Thursday, August 20th, we received a call from Lubby Navarro, the District 7 School Board Member, to update us on the concern brought to her attention at our last Board Meeting regarding the drainage improvement construction project currently underway at SW 122nd Ave, right in front of Devon-Aire K8 Center. She visited the site and was not happy with what she saw. The information she had on hand regarding the project showed that the project was scheduled for completion in October, however due to safety concerns, she began contacting the District 8 County Commissioner's office and the Public Works manager responsible for the project to try and stop the project currently underway. After speaking with them, she was able to have the project halted and said she received assurances that the roads would be clear by Sunday afternoon and that she would check on the progress of that cleanup on Saturday. We are happy to say, that the roads are now clear and the roads are ready for the Monday morning back to school traffic rush. Although the project has been postponed for now, at least it will not impact residents and hope that the remainder of the project is more thoughtfully planned out to take school traffic into account when they eventually resume.
Folks who travel down SW 122nd Ave towards Killian, either to get to work or to drop their kids off at school, should still plan to leave a little earlier to avoid traffic. Lubby Navarro said that there would be a police presence at the school to monitor traffic and that she would try to be present on the first day of school. We would like to thank Lubby Navarro for the all the effort she put into addressing our community's concerns.
Related: Back to School