If you attended the meeting, but did not receive a contact list, please let us know and we will get that information to you. If you find any information on the contact list incorrect please let us know and we will update it.
Here are a few important notes:
- Please report any suspicious activity to the Police.
- Please do not engage individuals exhibiting suspicious behavior. Let the Police sort that out.
- Report any non-emergency suspicious behavior by calling (305) 476-5423 or (305) 476-5423. Only call 911 if it's an emergency.
- Provide as much detail about what you observe when calling the Police.
- After calling the Police, please contact your block captain or contact Jeff Kaslofsky or Carlos Amézaga with what you saw so we can alert other residents.
- Stay alert for cars which may be slowly circling the neighborhood.
We will schedule another meeting with our Crime Watch partners in 4 to 6 months. We would like to thank Alina Lopez from Citizen's Crime Watch and Officer Aluart for facilitating Wednesday's meeting.