Jeff Kaslofsky, our Board President, recently attended and graduated Metro Dade's Citizens Police Academy. The Citizens Police Academy is designed by Metro Dade to give individuals a better understanding of police work within the county. Jeff attended each class once a week for 13 weeks and did so after the recent crime wave which hit our community several month ago. His goals was to get a better understanding about police work which included the understanding of tactical and philosophical approaches to crime used by law enforcement. During the course, Jeff accompanied a patrol officer during an entire 8 hour shift. Jeff graduated from the course on September 23rd, 2013. Congratulations Jeff!
Metro Dade county offers up the Citizens Police Academy once or twice a year and the course is free to the public. We highly encourage you to attend this course. For information on how to attend, you can contact Sergeant Joe Bermudez at the MDPD Public Information and Education Bureau at (305) 471-1716.
October 06, 2013
Metro Dade Citizens Police Academy Graduation
Metro Dade Citizens Police Academy Graduation
October 06, 2013
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association