January 15, 2025

Community Parking Rules and Towing

This is the Association’s yearly reminder to all of our membership regarding towing. Due to the numerous complaints regarding improper parking of vehicles throughout the community, the Association regularly patrols the community to ensure compliance. Vehicles found not following community parking rules will result in those vehicles being towed, have their vehicle stickered or receive a letter of non-compliance. We would like to remind residents that community rules & regulations are not suggestions. All community members are expected to adhere to community rules and regulations and ensure that occupants of their home adhere to them as well. We understand that housing dynamics have changed since our community was built back in 1978; however that does not mean that as a consequence residents are permitted to ignore community rules and regulations involving parking.

Any vehicle found or reported to be parking on the private roads, parking common property, parking in a no parking zone, not road worthy or parking their commercial vehicle(s) in guest parking are subject to towing without warning. Members may not park any category 2 & 3 vehicles anywhere on the property. Under no circumstances are residents to park on the grass portion of their lot. Residents may not park in such a manner that would hinder access to fire hydrants or impede traffic by improperly parking on the private road. Guest parking spaces are dedicated for guests to park while visiting residents in the community and may not be used as overflow parking by residents on a consistent basis. Residents are permitted to occasionally use ONE guest parking spot so long as all spaces on their driveway are occupied and should only use guest parking from 11 PM to the following morning.  Cars which are parked in guest parking should be roadworthy and their license plate tags up to date.

Towing of vehicles can happen at any time, 24x7, 365 days of the year.  If your vehicle is stickered because it was improperly parked in guest parking, please take the warning seriously and move the vehicle. If a vehicle is towed, the vehicle owner will be responsible for all towing and storage charges.  If you are an owner of a home and are currently renting out your property IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you pass this information on to your tenants and any guests that may be visiting your property. These rules have been a part of the Devon-Aire Villas HOA #1 Rules & Regulations for many years and are there to promote the health, safety & welfare of all residents in our community using our private roads & guest parking spaces throughout the community as well as prevent damage to unit lawns and common areas.

Below you will find some important points to be mindful of:

  1. Members that have more vehicles than their home can accommodate should not expect that guest parking will serve as their personal parking area. Residents are only permitted to occasionally park ONE vehicle in guest parking at any one time and only do so if all of their driveway spaces are fully occupied. All member or tenant owned vehicles must be properly parked on their home’s driveway, not on the grass portion of their lot, common property or the private road.  If you own more than two vehicles at your household with a standard 21 foot driveway or three vehicles on a 30 foot driveway and need to park ONE other vehicle in guest parking on a regular basis, you may only do so after 11 PM and the parking space must be released the following morning. If a car is stickered for improper parking, the vehicle must be moved as soon as possible. Those found to not be in compliance will have their vehicle(s) towed at their expense.
  2. No vehicle shall park in the same guest parking area for more than 24 hours. Any vehicle which exceeds 24 hours will be stickered and later towed.
  3. Residents are allowed to T-Park their vehicles on their driveway.  To be considered T-Parked, half the vehicle must be on the owner’s driveway.  Vehicles which are not properly T-Parked and are causing an obstruction or danger to traffic will towed.  It is important that vehicles not cause on obstruction to traffic should emergency responders need to pass that part of the road.
  4. Parking is not permitted by any vehicle on the grass, sidewalk, street, curbside or other common areas.
  5. Vehicles parking on common ground, the private road or areas designated as no parking areas are subject to towing without any warning.
  6. Only roadworthy vehicles are allowed to park in guest parking. Any vehicle parked in guest parking that are not roadworthy, or are otherwise inoperable, will be towed without warning. That would include vehicles with missing or expired tags.
  7. No personal commercial vehicles (category 1 vehicles) are permitted to use guest parking at any time and may only park on their unit’s driveway. Any category 2 or 3 vehicles found on the property will be towed without warning.
  8. No vehicle maintenance or repairs shall be performed in guest parking with the exception of changing out of a flat tire.  Individuals caught doing so will be responsible for all costs related to the repair of any damage to the parking area should there be any.
  9. Residents which wish to expand their driveways to 30 feet may do so as long as they ask for Association approval by submitting an ACC.  Please contact us at for more information.

The Board of Directors of Devon-Aire Villas # 1 would never like to see anyone’s car towed or the extra expense that comes with it and hope that you take this matter seriously.  Please be considerate of your neighbors when using guest parking which have the same right to use guest parking as you do. Keep the roads safe by not parking on the private road. Any resident failing to adhere to community rules regarding parking risk fines, a vehicle tow or both. At no time will the Associate compensate any vehicle owner should their vehicle be towed.  IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that members renting their property pass this information along to your tenants to avoid fines or other issues.  Any member or community resident that needs a copy of the Devon-Aire Villas HOA #1 Rules & Regulations can find them online by visiting us on the web at http://devonairehoa1.blogspot.com or can request a hard copy by sending us email at devonairehoa1@gmail.com.  If you do not have access to email you can contact us by phone at (305) 859-1462 or in writing at 14373 SW 142nd St, Miami, Florida 33186.

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About Devon-Aire Villas #1

This blog serves the residents of Devon-Aire Villas # 1 which is a community consisting of 302 town homes on 45 acres of land, 15 acres of which is open common areas, located on SW 122nd Ave & SW 111th St in Miami, Florida.

Property Management

Devon-Aire Villas # 1 is managed by Scott Galya at Brickell Property Management. You can reach Scott Galya as well as the Board of Directors via our Contact Us Page, by email at devonairehoa1@gmail.com , by leaving voice mail or a text message at (305) 859-1462. If you would like to send US Mail, you can find our mailing address on our Contact Us page. When contacting us, please provide your full name and property address so we can better serve you. Should you need pass by the office, please schedule an appointment by contacting us by email.

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