A member of the community recently contacted the Association stating that they found a few Muscovy ducks near their home and believe that they were intentionally poisoned. We want to remind everyone that killing or injuring of any animal, no matter the reason, is cruel and also illegal. We realize that some folks my find Muscovy ducks irritating as well as a nuisance but they are only here because someone is feeding them.
We ask our members to please let us know if they see or know of anyone feeding the ducks within the community, witness anyone being cruel or molesting them in any way or witness anyone driving in a manner meant to kill or injure them. Should we continue to find any more dead or injured ducks in the community we will contact Miami Dade County Animal Services to report the incidents.
We ask our members to please let us know if they see or know of anyone feeding the ducks within the community, witness anyone being cruel or molesting them in any way or witness anyone driving in a manner meant to kill or injure them. Should we continue to find any more dead or injured ducks in the community we will contact Miami Dade County Animal Services to report the incidents.