December 12, 2021

Happy Holidays & Holiday Toy Drive 2021

The Board of Directors would like to wish each and every one of our Association members, committee members, residents and their families a very Happy Holiday and a Joyful New Year!  We have much to be grateful for, particularly all of our neighbors and the people who make this such a wonderful community to live in. We wish to thank our membership for allowing us the honor to serve you.  May you enjoy the company of the ones you love and may you be blessed with peace and joy throughout this holiday season.

As we advance through the holidays, members of the community stepped up to provide some Holiday cheer. On Friday December 10th our Board President delivered toys the Miami-Dade Police Department, Kendall Station that were donated by Members of our community. We wish to thank those members of the community that donated toys to those less fortunate which we’re sure will bring lots of smiles.

Villa of the Quarter: December 2021

The Board of Directors recognizes members who go above and beyond in the upkeep of their villa within our community. These members are examples of the potential each home has when it is well maintained and also helps keep property values high, benefiting everyone in the community. This helps make our community a very desirable place to live.

The home chosen for the 4th Quarter of 2021 belongs to the Perez family who live on 111th LN. They are longtime residents of the community, having purchased their home in the early 2000s. Just like many members of our community, the Perez Family has made sure that their home has been kept in good repair however they have also enhanced their landscaping helping draw attention to their home as well as extending their driveway giving them additional parking space. Their attention to their unit’s upkeep and additional changes to their home really make it stand out from all the rest. On December 4th, 2021 the Board President & Treasurer presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1: Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Cheesecake Factory gift card. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you for all the hard work you have put into your villa. We are proud to have you in the community.

November 03, 2021

Stop Large-Scale Development on the 168 acres of green space in Calusa, West Kendall

A Resident of our Community has asked that we forward the following information to our residents.

For the last several years, our community has seen the result of the over development within our neighborhood.  The number one complaint we receive from our community members & residents is regarding the traffic on 122nd Ave and Killian Parkway (SW 104th St) and all traffic related issues that come with the increased population density which our streets were not meant to handle.  There are plans to redevelop the Calusa Golf course into a proposed 550 home development.  That would mean that for each home of the size they plan to build, 3 to 4 cars/vehicles would inevitably come with it.  That would mean that there is a potential of up to 2,200 additional cars on the roads impacting your commute to work or school if you need to go through Killian or 122nd Ave. If you plan to take Kendall Drive, it would also be worse off.  There are also impacts to the wildlife and surrounding environment.

So how could this happen or how could it even be allowed? The Board of County Commissioners voted to allow the current owner of the land to be released of the covenant that prevented them from building homes there. What can be done about it? Residents wishing to oppose the redevelopment are asked to file a letter of protest. That can be done by Clicking Here. You can find more information about the topic by going to There is also an open group discussion about the topic on Nextdoor here:

October 29, 2021

Crime Watch Meeting: 11/3/2021

A Crime Watch meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 3rd at 7 PM.  It will be held on the West side, main parking on SW 111th Lane next to the park. Click Here for location.  We are asking that you make every effort to attend.  It is only because of those involved that we have been able to keep crime low and it is all due to those who participate in Crime Watch that this is possible.  Crime Watch doesn't work if you only get involved after you have become a victim of a crime.  

As always, a Metro Dade Police Officer will be at the meeting to discuss crime trends in our area, statistics, news of interest as well as to answer any questions from attending residents.

September 28, 2021

2022 Annual Notice of Assessment

This is to inform our members that the annual assessment invoice for $567.51 has been mailed out. We wish to thank all of our members that pay their obligation on time. The funds collected are used in the day to day operations and maintenance of our community. Our current Collections Policy & Procedure for Annual Assessment can be reviewed online by Clicking Here. To avoid any potential issues we ask that you observe the following:
  • If you do not receive your assessment invoice by October 10th, please contact us by visiting and selecting “Contact Us” to let us know.
  • Payment is due on February 1st, 2022.
  • Members may pay by Check, Money Order, eCheck or Credit Card.
  • To pay by eCheck or Credit Card please visit:
  • Checks & Money Orders must be made payable to Devon-Aire Villa Homeowners Association #1, Inc and MUST be mailed in with your assessment coupon to ensure that processing of your payment is properly credited to your account.
  • Please do not submit your payment using your Bank's bill payment system. If you wish to pay online, please pay by eCheck to ensure that processing of your payment is properly credited to your account.
  • All checks or money orders MUST include that member’s account number in the memo field. Checks MAY NOT be postdated. A member paying by check must ensure that their check has enough funds to clear. Any check which is returned due to insufficient funds will have those costs added to their account balance and will be notified of these costs. A member whose check does not clear will be considered delinquent after the past due date.
  • A late fee will be applied to all assessments received after the payment due date.
  • Delinquent assessments shall bear interest from the due date at a rate of 6% per annum.
  • A member whose account is forwarded to the Association Attorney due to non-payment is responsible for all costs associated with the recovery of their obligation to include interest, fees and all legal costs incurred. These costs will not be waived by the Association and must be paid in full by the member before any legal action is considered resolved. Members who have had their account forwarded to the Association Attorney shall have payment applied in the following order: legal fees and costs (including attorney fees), interest, returned check charges, lien fees, other miscellaneous costs incurred during recovery process, annual assessment

September 02, 2021

Kendall District’s Citizen Advisory Committee “Citizen of the Month”

On August 25th at Kendall District’s Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting held at the Kendall Village Center Civic Pavilion, Jeff Kaslofsky, President, and Carlos Amézaga, Vice President, were awarded that committee’s Citizen of the Month award by Captain Rodriguez and Chairperson Arlene Carvajal.  As members of Kendall District’s CAC for more than decade they have supported various causes on behalf of Devon-Aire Villas #1 including the framing of Officer and Citizen of the month certificates, supportive of every fundraiser campaign and various Police Explorer events, coordinate our community’s, Crime Watch program and serving as liaisons between our community and the Miami-Dade County Police Department to help foster enhanced police and community relations.

September 01, 2021

Villa of the Quarter: September 2021

The Board of Directors recognizes members who go above and beyond in the upkeep of their villa within our community. These members are examples of the potential each home has when it is well maintained and also helps keep property values high, benefiting everyone in the community. This helps make our community a very desirable place to live.
The home chosen for the 3rd Quarter of 2021 belongs to Fidel Vazquez Heredia & Eloina Aguila Cervantes who live on 111th LN. Having purchased their home 5 years ago, they have made numerous changes to their home such as new impact windows, extended driveway, new roof and lots of landscaping which helps draw attention to their home. All these changes really make it stand out from all the rest. On August 29th, 2021 the Board President & Vice President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1: Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Cheesecake Factory gift card. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you for all the hard work you have put into your villa. We are proud to have you in the community.

August 26, 2021

Special Meeting Notice

To the members of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association No. 1, Inc., 

NOTICE IS HEREBY given, in accordance with the Bylaws of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association No. 1, Inc. (the "Association"), a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association will be held on Tuesday, the 7th day of September of 2021 at 7:30 p.m. at Brickell Property Management, Inc., located at 14373 SW 142nd St, Miami, Florida 33186.  The purpose, among other matters, is the discussion, approval and adoption of the proposed changes to the Collection Policy & Procedure for Annual Assessments & Other Charges.

Notice was mailed by depositing with the United States Post Office or in a letter box in a postage-paid sealed envelope by Regular Mail to each member of the Association at his or her respective address as same appears on the books of the Association.

Members which fail to receive their notice along with proposed policy by August 28th, 2021 and wish an electronic copy are asked to Contact Us.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Establishment of a quorum of the Board
  3. Discussion
  4. Open Forum
  5. Adoption
  6. Adjournment

August 25, 2021

Notice of 2022 Annual Budget Meeting

To the members of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association No. 1, Inc., 

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the Bylaws of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association No. 1, Inc. (the "Association"), that the 2022 Annual Association Budget Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 7th, 2021, 7:30 PM at 14373 SW 142nd Street Miami FL 33186. A notice was mailed out and posted on the community bulletin boards 15 days prior to this scheduled meeting which included a copy of the proposed budget. The Board of Directors will discuss and adopt the 2022 Budget at this meeting and urge members to attend if possible.

Notice was mailed by depositing with the United States Post Office or in a letter box in a postage-paid sealed envelope by Regular Mail to each member of the Association at his or her respective address as same appears on the books of the Association.

Members which fail to receive their notice along with proposed policy by August 28th, 2021 and wish an electronic copy are asked to Contact Us.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Establishment of a quorum of the Board
  3. Discussion
  4. Open Forum
  5. Adoption of the 2022 budget.
  6. Adjournment

June 06, 2021

Villa of the Quarter: June 2021

The Board of Directors recognizes members who go above and beyond in the upkeep of their villa within our community. These members are examples of the potential each home has when it is well maintained and also helps keep property values high, benefiting everyone in the community. This helps make our community a very desirable place to live.

The home chosen for the 2nd Quarter of 2021 belongs to Andres & Maria Castañeda who live on 110th ST CIR E. They are longtime residents of the community and over the course of the last few years they have made several improvements to their home’s exterior all of which contribute to their home’s overall appearance. Their elegant landscaping with adorning decorations paired with their new driveway makes it difficult not to notice their home which stands out from all the rest. On June 5th, 2021 the Board President & Vice President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1: Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Cheesecake Factory gift card. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you for all the hard work you have put into your villa. We are proud to have you in the community.

May 21, 2021

Devon-Aire Villas: 2020 Compiled Financial Statement Notice

The Board of Directors of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association #1 (hereinafter the “Association”), in order to maintain the community to the standards defined in its Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, Declaration of Restrictions, By-Laws and Rules & Regulations and in accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 720, § 720.303(7)(a)1, have prepared a compiled financial statement for the 2020 fiscal year. This compiled financial statement can help interested Members better understand how their assessment dollars have actually been spent in the community using generally accepted accounting principles. Members of the community can request a copy of the compiled financial statement free of charge by submitting a written request to our Community Association Manager at the following address:

Brickell Property Management, Inc.
Attn: Devon-Aire Villas HOA #1
14373 S.W. 142nd ST
Miami, FL 33186-6727

Members who have a registered their email address with the Association may also submit their request in writing by going to our Contact Us page. The Association will only mail a copy of the compiled financial statement via USPS to the mailing address on file.  Members having questions regarding the compiled financial statement may also contact the Community Association Manager.

For the Board of Directors,

Scott Galya, Community Association Manager
Brickell Property Management, Inc.

April 21, 2021

Car Rim Theft: Villas East 4/20/2021

A homeowner on 110th St Circle North woke up this morning to find their Nissan Altima on blocks with its tires/rims stolen. The owner had their car parked in their own driveway and did not hear anything at the time. A neighbor across the street picked up the following video from their camera but unfortunately could not pick up a license plate of the thief's vehicle. You can view the video by Clicking HereAnyone living on the East side of the community having cameras with footage that can be considered useful are urged to contact police or can pass the information to us and we can forward the information on your behalf. The crime occurred on 4/20/2021 at 2:49 AM. We have contacted Police and asked for a watch placed for our community. 

It is important to note that this issue continues to be a problem all around Miami Dade County. The type of car and rims stolen don't really follow a pattern and all cars seem to be targets.It doesn't seem to matter if the rims are custom or if they are regular rims that come with your standard model car. Residents which have alloy wheels/rims should invest in one or two sets of wheel locks to secure their rims and ensure that the key used for those locks is not hidden in an obvious place where thieves will easily find it such as in your glove box or trunk. Car owners should also look into VIN etching kits or services as thieves tend to stay away from parts that have had their vehicle identification number (VIN) etched onto the rims, doors, windows, windshield, etc...To make it more difficult for thieves to steal your tires, make sure your front wheals are turned all the way to the left or right before retiring for the evening. Thieves tend to avoid cars having their front tires turned because it makes them more difficult to remove.

It goes without saying that if suspicious activity is occurring on or around the property, residents are urged to please contact Police immediately by calling their non emergency number at (305) 4-POLICE (476-5423). No incident large or small should ever go without being reported. If you believe that a crime is in progress, please call 911. Do not attempt make contact with any person engaging in suspicious activity and instead let Police handle the situation. Always Contact Us afterwards to let us know so we can followup with Police.

April 08, 2021

Happy Birthday to Our Property Manager

Scott Galya has been our Community Association Manager (CAM) for the last 12 years. He works closely with the Board of Directors on a daily basis and instrumental with assisting the Board with the various projects that have been implemented in the community throughout the years. He is also the voice many folks in the community are familiar with when calling the office. Scott has many responsibilities he manages on a day to day basis for our community, from ensuring that the Association books are in order, vendors are paid on time, community mailings are sent in a timely manner, making sure our community is properly insured, performing regular inspection of the property and a whole lot more. The Board wishes to thank Scott for all the hard work he has poured into our community which has really made a difference in how our community stands out from all the rest. So in appreciation of his services and because it so happens that Scott is also celebrating his 40th birthday this month, the Board of Directors surprised him with a birthday cake at our April 5th meeting. Thank you Scott. The Board of Directors really appreciates everything you do for our community

March 13, 2021

Be Alert / Car Hopping / Rim Thefts

This is an important reminder to our members and residents in the community to please stay vigilant. The Board of Directors routinely monitors reports of crime in the area.  Recently we have seen a spike in reported car hopping, rim thefts, etc... in the area via CrimeMapping.comRing's Neighbors App and Nextdoor. Although we have not received any reports of these types of petty crime occurring in our community, we have seen quite a few in nearby neighborhoods.  As always we ask members to take precautions so they don't become a victim.  Make it a routine to lock all your car doors at night. To prevent Car hoppers from entering your car, please make sure you leave your cars doors locked at all times and never leave any valuables in your cars. Individuals that car hop tend to always go through unlocked cars because it attracts less attention. If you see individuals going house to house and checking out cars, call Police right away. For residents having alloy wheels/rims should invest in one or two sets of wheel locks to secure their rims and ensure that the key used for those locks is not hidden in an obvious place within their vehicle and instead place them where thieves will will not easily find them. Car owners should also look into VIN etching kits or services as thieves tend to stay away from parts that have had their vehicle identification number (VIN) etched onto the rims, doors, windows, windshield, etc...To make it more difficult for thieves to steal your tires, make sure your front wheals are turned all the way left or right as a deterrent since this make them more difficult to remove. We also urge our member to please leave their front porch lights on all night long in order to deter such thefts. If you are concerned about the electrical costs, please keep in mind that with today's LED light bulbs, power consumption is very negligible. The few pennies you pay per day to run LED lights will far outweigh the aggravation of having your vehicle's content stolen.  We have also been told by police that the security cameras, the Ring doorbell and similar devices can also help deter such crimes.

It goes without saying that if suspicious activity is occurring on or around the property, residents are urged to please contact Police immediately by calling their non-emergency number at (305) 4-POLICE (476-5423).  If you believe that a crime is in progress, please call 911.  Do not attempt contact with any person engaging in suspicious activity and instead let Police handle the situation.  It is important that residents always file a Police report for any crime that has been committed against them, no matter how small or insignificant you think it might be.  If a report is not filed, Police have no way to determine crime trends in a community.  After filing a Police report, please let us know so we can alert the rest of our members.

March 12, 2021

Garbage & Recycling Bins

For the last several months we have again begun seeing issues with some homeowners leaving their green & blue bins out on the curb past 7 PM of their scheduled pickup day, with some residents going as far as leaving their bins out all week long. We have also observed some residents placing their bins in the middle of the road which also presents a  danger to motorists. It is important for members & residents in the community to ensure that their green and blue bins not be placed on the curb until 7 PM the night before pick-up and put away by 7 PM the day of pick-up. We ask for everyone's cooperation with the matter to keep the community looking good and motorists safe. Beginning next week, any member or resident found not adhering to this rule will find an orange warning notice left on their container(s) and should the warning go unheeded will eventually result in possible forced maintenance action. 

You can find more information regarding Trash Pickup days & Bulky Waste pickup by Clicking Here. There we outline what a homeowner's responsibilities are with regard to garbage collection.

March 07, 2021

Villa of the Quarter: March 2021

The Board of Directors recognizes members who go above and beyond in the upkeep of their villa within our community. These members are examples of the potential each home has when it is well maintained and also helps keep property values high, benefiting everyone in the community. This helps make our community a very desirable place to live.

The home chosen for the 1st Quarter of 2021 belongs to Lenin Mejia Castro who lives on 110th ST CIR E. Having purchased his home a couple of years ago, he has put in a lot of work into his unit. His exterior updates and new landscaping really helps draws attention to his home making it stand out from all the rest. On February 28th, 2021 the Board President & Vice President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1: Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Cheesecake Factory gift card. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you for all the hard work you have put into your villa. We are proud to have you in the community.

January 30, 2021

Found: iPad

An iPad was found on the East side of the community. If the tablet is yours or you know who may have lost their tablet, please Contact Us so we can return it to you.

UPDATE: The owner contacted us and was reunited with their tablet.

Pay Assessment Online

You now have the option to pay your annual assessment via eCheck or Credit Card. Annual assessment is due by February 1st. If you wish to pay online, you will need your eight digit account number. Contact Us if you have questions regarding your account number, amount due or are experiencing any difficulties. Click Here for more information or to pay online.

About Devon-Aire Villas #1

This blog serves the residents of Devon-Aire Villas # 1 which is a community consisting of 302 town homes on 45 acres of land, 15 acres of which is open common areas, located on SW 122nd Ave & SW 111th St in Miami, Florida.

Property Management

Devon-Aire Villas # 1 is managed by Scott Galya at Brickell Property Management. You can reach Scott Galya as well as the Board of Directors via our Contact Us Page, by email at , by leaving voice mail or a text message at (305) 859-1462. If you would like to send US Mail, you can find our mailing address on our Contact Us page. When contacting us, please provide your full name and property address so we can better serve you. Should you need pass by the office, please schedule an appointment by contacting us by email.

Follow US by Email

Community Network

Devon-Aire Villas #1 uses Nextdoor to allow homeowners and residents to receive important updates about Crime, Safety, Events, and Meetings. This closed social network also allows homeowners and residents to post Neighborhood Classifieds, announce yard sales, report a lost/found pet and much more.


Other Contacts

Miami Dade Police:
(305) 4-POLICE
(305) 476-5423

3-1-1 or
(305) 468-5900

Trash, Recycling & Bulk Waste Pickup
Click Here

Poison Control Center
(800) 222-1222

(305) 442-8770

Crime Map

FDLE Offender Search

Voter Information

Devon-Aire HOA # 1 is part of Precinct 743 and its polling station is located at Devon-Aire Park which is at the corner of 104th St and 122nd Ave. Below is our district information:

Congress: 26
State Senate: 40
State House: 118
County Commission: 8
School Board: 7
Community Council: 11

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