Although we stated in an earlier post that Miami Dade County would not be picking up Christmas Trees, we have received a notice from the Department of Solid Waste Management (DSWM) that they will have crews out to pick up any discarded christmas trees in mid January 2018. If you are unable to take your tree to the nearest recycling center located at 8000 SW 117th CT, you have the option to leave you tree curbside, but only on our designated pick up week. Collection will occur by zones, in which we have been designated as zone 3, and therefore pickup for this area is scheduled to begin the morning of January 22nd and end on the evening of January 26th. Recycled trees will be chipped and given away as mulch for those interested. Any trees placed curbside before the morning of January 22nd or left out after the evening of January 26th will receive warnings followed by removal by the Association with the cost of removal billed back to the member so please be mindful of the pickup dates to avoid any charges. Those that do not wish to take their tree to the dump to recycle or wait until the 22nd for curbside pickup have the option of chopping up the tree and placing it in their green container for pickup.
December 26, 2017
Curbside Christmas Tree Collection 2018
December 26, 2017
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
December 22, 2017
Citizens’ Crime Watch of Miami-Dade 42nd Annual Awards Ceremony
December 22, 2017
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
Jeff Kaslofsky, our Board President, was honored at the 42nd annual Citizens’ Crime Watch of Miami-Dade Awards Ceremony which was held on December 15th. He was awarded the Crime Watcher of the Year (County) award. Also in attendance were Carlos Amézaga, our Board Vice President, and Scott Galya, our Community Association Manager. This event recognizes law enforcement and individuals who were most helpful to Citizens’ Crime Watch throughout the year. It also celebrates the bridges built between law enforcement and citizens in order to enhance crime prevention in local communities. We would like to thank Miami Dade County Police Kendall District for the nomination as well as Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava for inviting us to her table at the event. For more on this story as well as a list of other award recipients please Click Here.
December 20, 2017
The Close of 2017 at Devon-Aire Villas #1
December 20, 2017
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
It's hard to believe that 2017 is near its end. A great deal has been accomplished this year despite Irma's unwelcome visit. Every year the Board of Directors sets an agenda to improve the community by performing routine repairs, property maintenance, new works, etc.. as well as increasing community involvement and awareness by inviting members to participate in community and local events. These are a few of those accomplishments:
- For the first time in a very long time, all member accounts are current.
- Park benches have been installed on Park West.
- Additional dog pull bag station installed on 106th St entrance to Park West.
- Collection Policy and Procedure was updated which, among other things, changed the annual assessment due date from January 1st to February 1st.
- Rules & Regulations were updated.
- After numerous member complaints, we finally managed to get FPL to repair the original light post on the East side of the community which had been broken for the last two years.
- Began Phase 3 of the lighting project on the East side of community. Light poles have already gone up at the cul-de-sacs and light fixtures installed. We are waiting for the directional drilling to take place in order to power the lights.
- Held a food truck event at Park West which was sponsored by Xfinity/Comcast.
- The vacant seat on the Board was recently filled by Carlos De Jesus. We wish to thank him for accepting the seat.
- We continue to host community Crime Watch meetings every 4 months to bring greater awareness about crime in the area.
- Members of the Board continue to attend regular CAC meetings at the MDPD Kendall station where they forward any members concerns at those meetings.
- Members of the Board & community members attended numerous MDPD sponsored events such as Coffee with Cops, Cookies with Rookies, etc.. to bridge the gap between police and association.
- There was no special assessment levied for Hurricane Irma cleanup because previous and current directors serving on the Board had the forethought to reserve just for that day. The Board of Directors will begin discussions in 2018 on re-funding that account.
- The community was cleaned up in record time after Irma because we were prepared financially.
- Entrance signs were repaired and restored.
- Entrances were cleaned up and remulched in time for the holidays.
- Members have raised concerns at numerous Board meetings regarding traffic issues on 122nd Ave and their inability to safely exit the East & West side of the community. Members of the Board brought those concerns to Commissioner Cava's office which has requested a traffic study. That traffic study was started on 12/17.
Although we didn't have enough residents this year to establish a quorum in order to conduct business for the 2017 annual meeting, the Board would like to take this opportunity to thank all residents who were able to attend and stayed for the December Board Meeting. Your attendance helps us immensely during the year and helps us chart future improvements & direction in the community.
With the Holidays soon coming to a close, we would like to remind residents that have christmas trees or unused gift boxes to dispose of after the holidays to please observe the following.
With the Holidays soon coming to a close, we would like to remind residents that have christmas trees or unused gift boxes to dispose of after the holidays to please observe the following.
- Trees: When disposing of your tree please cut them up and place them in your green garbage containers if you can. You may have to remove/cut a portion of the top of the tree so that the lid of the container can close. Do not place them outside in front of your villa as they will not be picked up by Miami Dade garbage collection and will instead be picked up by the association with the cost billed to your account.
- Gift boxes: Please place all gift boxes and wrapping paper into plastic bags and place them in your green garbage containers. Do not place any items outside of the green containers, they will not be picked up by Miami Dade garbage collection.
December 10, 2017
Devon-Aire Villas Landlord of Year: 2017
December 10, 2017
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
The Board of Directors recognizes members who go above and beyond in the upkeep of their villa within our community. Recognition is not solely limited to members living in the community, but also to members that rent out their homes which show a positive ongoing relationship with the Association and conduct their business as landlord with a high degree of professionalism. Although their ownership within the community is more of an investment, they still care enough about the community they have an ownership interest in to in ensure their units are well maintained and that their tenants follow community rules ensuring that our community remains a very desirable place to live.
The member chosen as the 2017 Landlord of the Year at Devon-Aire Villas # 1 is Mr. Chan Fai Lo. Mr. Lo has owned units within our community since 1997 on both the West and East side of the community. Whenever the Board or Property manager have contacted him regarding any issues regarding his properties or tenants he has always been quick to take action to resolve the problem as well as following up on what measures he has taken, many times personally. His willingness to work with the Board and Property Manager in this way goes above and beyond what would normally be expected. At our December 5th, 2017 board meeting our Board President, on behalf of the Board of Directors, presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1 Landlord of The Year award in recognition of all he has done to ensure our community remains a pleasant place to live. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you both for all the hard work you have put into your villas and are proud to have you as a member of the community.
The member chosen as the 2017 Landlord of the Year at Devon-Aire Villas # 1 is Mr. Chan Fai Lo. Mr. Lo has owned units within our community since 1997 on both the West and East side of the community. Whenever the Board or Property manager have contacted him regarding any issues regarding his properties or tenants he has always been quick to take action to resolve the problem as well as following up on what measures he has taken, many times personally. His willingness to work with the Board and Property Manager in this way goes above and beyond what would normally be expected. At our December 5th, 2017 board meeting our Board President, on behalf of the Board of Directors, presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1 Landlord of The Year award in recognition of all he has done to ensure our community remains a pleasant place to live. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you both for all the hard work you have put into your villas and are proud to have you as a member of the community.
December 09, 2017
Villa of the Quarter: December 2017
December 09, 2017
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
The Board of Directors recognizes members who go above and beyond in the upkeep of their villa within our community. These members are examples of the potential each home has when it is well maintained and also helps keep property values high which benefits everyone in the community. Their efforts really make our community a very desirable place to live.
The home chosen for the 4th Quarter of 2017 belongs to Brenda Fernandez who lives on 111th LN and is home to her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Fernandez have lived in the community since 2014. Since moving in they have put in a lot of work into their home both inside and out making it stand out from those around it. On December 3rd, 2017 the Board President & Vice President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1: Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Cheese Cake Factory gift card to Brenda Fernandez and her parents. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you for all the hard work you have put into your villa. We are proud to have you in the community.
The home chosen for the 4th Quarter of 2017 belongs to Brenda Fernandez who lives on 111th LN and is home to her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Fernandez have lived in the community since 2014. Since moving in they have put in a lot of work into their home both inside and out making it stand out from those around it. On December 3rd, 2017 the Board President & Vice President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1: Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Cheese Cake Factory gift card to Brenda Fernandez and her parents. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you for all the hard work you have put into your villa. We are proud to have you in the community.
December 02, 2017
MDC Bulk Waste Pickup Has Resumed
December 02, 2017
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
Miami Dade County announced that they have resumed scheduling bulky waste pickups. The county suspended services on September 11th after Hurricane Irma came through Miami Dade County to focus on county wide cleanup efforts.
Please take note that members must contact the Association prior to scheduling a pickup and again once they have received the county's service request number. To do so, use our Contact Us page. You can also leave a voicemail message or text message at (305) 859-1462. Please be sure to provide your unit's address or account number in your message along with the service request number. Members failing to contact the Association will receive a warning and if not resolved within 24 hours, will have the bulk waste removed by Association with the costs of pickup billed back to the member.
Members may request service by calling 311, using the 311Direct mobile app from their smartphone or by going online by Clicking Here. Members may not place bulk waste on the common areas, the street or on other members properties. Members must pay special attention when placing appliances outdoors for pickup such as refrigerators, stoves, etc.. These items must have their doors removed prior to placement outdoors as this is a safety issue and also Florida law. If placing mattresses outdoors, they must be wrapped in plastic as required by Miami Dade County. Members failing to take due care when placing appliances or mattresses on waste piles as required will have those items removed by the Association with the costs of pickup billed back to the member.
More information regarding bulk waste pickup restrictions can be found on our website by Clicking Here.
Please take note that members must contact the Association prior to scheduling a pickup and again once they have received the county's service request number. To do so, use our Contact Us page. You can also leave a voicemail message or text message at (305) 859-1462. Please be sure to provide your unit's address or account number in your message along with the service request number. Members failing to contact the Association will receive a warning and if not resolved within 24 hours, will have the bulk waste removed by Association with the costs of pickup billed back to the member.
Members may request service by calling 311, using the 311Direct mobile app from their smartphone or by going online by Clicking Here. Members may not place bulk waste on the common areas, the street or on other members properties. Members must pay special attention when placing appliances outdoors for pickup such as refrigerators, stoves, etc.. These items must have their doors removed prior to placement outdoors as this is a safety issue and also Florida law. If placing mattresses outdoors, they must be wrapped in plastic as required by Miami Dade County. Members failing to take due care when placing appliances or mattresses on waste piles as required will have those items removed by the Association with the costs of pickup billed back to the member.
More information regarding bulk waste pickup restrictions can be found on our website by Clicking Here.