Residents of the Crossing formed a committee called SOS 120 Street Committee and contacted us this week asking that we forward the following information to our residents.
Dear Residents:
By now, you may have become aware of an application from Smart Charter Group, LLC, for a Special Exception from zoning restrictions to construct an “Aviation Charter School” for grades K thru 12 on the 9.5 acre property on the south side of 120th Street, at 133rd Avenue, immediately east of the existing London Square shopping center. The existing zoning and use was granted to the present owners, under a 1979 exception for a private school of up to 600 Students. The new application says: “The applicant intends to convert the existing private school into an aviation charter school, and expand enrollment to 3,000 students, by way of Special Exception”
This application effects everyone who resides in and commutes from our area. The developers’ own traffic study (required for its zoning application) says this school will generate an additional 7,400 car trips per day on 120th street. Much of it will be during the peak morning commuting hours. 120th is already over its designed capacity. The Miami Police Department Review of the application states:
The purpose of this letter to advise area resident of our activities and invite Association’s members to the August 8th meeting.
The entire zoning application, with exhibits, can be found online at:
Matt Weinstein
Neighborhood Outreach Committee
Phone: 305-271-0465
Dear Residents:
By now, you may have become aware of an application from Smart Charter Group, LLC, for a Special Exception from zoning restrictions to construct an “Aviation Charter School” for grades K thru 12 on the 9.5 acre property on the south side of 120th Street, at 133rd Avenue, immediately east of the existing London Square shopping center. The existing zoning and use was granted to the present owners, under a 1979 exception for a private school of up to 600 Students. The new application says: “The applicant intends to convert the existing private school into an aviation charter school, and expand enrollment to 3,000 students, by way of Special Exception”
This application effects everyone who resides in and commutes from our area. The developers’ own traffic study (required for its zoning application) says this school will generate an additional 7,400 car trips per day on 120th street. Much of it will be during the peak morning commuting hours. 120th is already over its designed capacity. The Miami Police Department Review of the application states:
The existing traffic conditions in the area and surrounding roads are already overtaxed. The current configuration will expose the area to an increase in the existing excessive traffic during peak times and the lack of adequate egress and access to and from the school onto arterial roadways will require law enforcement intervention in perpetuity to facilitate the movement of said traffic.The SOS 120 STREET COMMITTEE was formed by residents in the Crossings to oppose the Smart Charter Group’ s application for a zoning exception to allow the school. The response to our initial meeting from area residents and commuters was so huge and so positive, that we are scheduling a joint meeting with the Kendall Federation of Homeowner Associations for August 8th, 2016, to expand our activities in preparation for the next stage in the process. Flyer with the date, time and location can be found Here for English and Here for Spanish.
The purpose of this letter to advise area resident of our activities and invite Association’s members to the August 8th meeting.
The entire zoning application, with exhibits, can be found online at:
Matt Weinstein
Neighborhood Outreach Committee
Phone: 305-271-0465