Devon-Aire #1 will begin Seal Coating the community roads and your personal driveway on 12/6/2014. Homeowners are responsible to edge the grass around their driveway before sealing begins.
Vehicles left within the area to be seal coated after 7 AM on the date their section is to begin will be towed away at the owners expense. Therefore, we advise you to move your vehicle(s) the day before or the morning of the sealcoat of your area and driveway. If sealcoating begins you will not be able to move your vehicle without damaging the sealcoat and will be charged for any damage if you attempt to move your vehicle once sealcoating has begun.
Vehicles will not be permitted to drive on the seal coated area for 48 hours after it is applied. Do not enter barricaded areas until the barricades are removed by staff. Vehicles that drive on freshly seal coated areas before they are opened by the staff will damage the seal coating and damage caused by any resident/tenant will be directly billed to that homeowner.
Parking will be permitted in the common areas outside of the barricade areas. If any homeowner or tenant removes a barricade or drives on an area and damages the sealcoat the cost for repair will be directly billed to that homeowner.
The association has hired security officers to monitor the parking areas and maintain the integrity of the barricaded areas. Homeowners may not park on the grass of their home or block driveways or streets. They must park in designated parking areas which will be located in the common grass fields or exterior sidewalks on 122nd Avenue or 106th Street surrounding the community.
If it rains, seal coating will be cancelled for that day and will be rescheduled for the following day.
The inconvenience is only for a few days but your patience during this process is for the betterment of this community and the Association appreciates your cooperation. If you do not wish to have your driveway sealcoated please place a rope and sign indicating such. If your driveway is in disrepair or contains a vehicle it will not be sealcoated. Also, volunteers are needed to help direct traffic and monitor the seal coated areas. Please contact Management @ (305) 251-0777.
Please review the Site Plan provided and note the Color Area that your home is located in. Work in the Colored Areas will begin as follows:
Vehicles left within the area to be seal coated after 7 AM on the date their section is to begin will be towed away at the owners expense. Therefore, we advise you to move your vehicle(s) the day before or the morning of the sealcoat of your area and driveway. If sealcoating begins you will not be able to move your vehicle without damaging the sealcoat and will be charged for any damage if you attempt to move your vehicle once sealcoating has begun.
Vehicles will not be permitted to drive on the seal coated area for 48 hours after it is applied. Do not enter barricaded areas until the barricades are removed by staff. Vehicles that drive on freshly seal coated areas before they are opened by the staff will damage the seal coating and damage caused by any resident/tenant will be directly billed to that homeowner.
Parking will be permitted in the common areas outside of the barricade areas. If any homeowner or tenant removes a barricade or drives on an area and damages the sealcoat the cost for repair will be directly billed to that homeowner.
The association has hired security officers to monitor the parking areas and maintain the integrity of the barricaded areas. Homeowners may not park on the grass of their home or block driveways or streets. They must park in designated parking areas which will be located in the common grass fields or exterior sidewalks on 122nd Avenue or 106th Street surrounding the community.
If it rains, seal coating will be cancelled for that day and will be rescheduled for the following day.
The inconvenience is only for a few days but your patience during this process is for the betterment of this community and the Association appreciates your cooperation. If you do not wish to have your driveway sealcoated please place a rope and sign indicating such. If your driveway is in disrepair or contains a vehicle it will not be sealcoated. Also, volunteers are needed to help direct traffic and monitor the seal coated areas. Please contact Management @ (305) 251-0777.
Please review the Site Plan provided and note the Color Area that your home is located in. Work in the Colored Areas will begin as follows:
East Side | Click Here for Map |
Blue Area:
Saturday 12/6/2014 |
Sunday 12/7/2014 | |
Orange Area:
Monday 12/8/2014 |
Tuesday 12/9/2014 | |
Yellow Area:
Wednesday 12/10/2014 |
Thursday 12/11/2014 | |
West Side | Click Here for Map |
Blue Area:
Saturday 12/6/2014 |
Sunday 12/7/2014 | |
Orange Area:
Monday 12/8/2014 |
Tuesday 12/9/2014 | |
Yellow Area:
Wednesday 12/10/2014 |
Thursday 12/11/2014 |