This is just a reminder that the 2013 Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association # 1 Annual Meeting & Elections of the Board of Directors is scheduled for December 10th. The time of the meeting has changed. Sign-in will commence at 7:15 PM and the meeting will promptly start at 7:30 PM. The meeting will be held at 14373 S.W. 142nd St as usual.
A third of the 302 homes that make up the membership of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association # 1 is necessary to establish a quorum and proceed with the annual meeting. In the event you cannot attend the annual meeting, please pass your (signed) proxy to another homeowner to ensure business can be conducted. If you are able to attend, we highly encourage you to do so. We also ask that you please inform your neighbors in case they are unaware of this important meeting.
In compliance with Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association # 1 Bylaws and the Florida Statutes governing HOAs, a notice was mailed 15 days prior to our scheduled Annual Meeting.
December 03, 2013
2013 Notice of Annual Meeting & Election of Officers
December 03, 2013
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association