- The Lighting Project: Our contractor will be using ground penetrating radar to ensure there are no sewer lines in the way during the course of digging. He will also begin pulling permits for the project.
- Seal Coating: This has been delayed due to the lighting project until next year.
- Crime: Officer Dalton stated their were two arrests made for car burglaries in the area.
- Brittnie Bassant, the Community Liaison for the Office of Vice Chair Lynda Bell for District 8, attended our meeting to give us an update on community concerns discussed in our August meeting. With regards to crime in our area, she was able to open up a line of communication between our HOA and our local Police Department so we can address our recent crime concerns. Both Scott Galya, our Property Manager, and Jeff Kaslofsky, our HOA President, have received calls from representatives of MDPD to address our community concerns. Her efforts have resulted in more regular patrols for all Devon-Aire communities. She also handed out Certificates of Appreciation to individuals brought to her office's attention by members of our community. They are:
- Officer John Dalton from the Miami Dade Police Department
- Kenneth Spencer from Miami Dade Solid Waste
We would like to that thank Brittnie Bassant and Commissioner Lynda Bell & her office for all the help they have rendered our community. We can't thank them enough.