May 03, 2013
Florida Power & Light Underground Power Project
May 03, 2013
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
As a resident within Devon-Aire HOA #1, you have no doubt noticed little red flags littered across the community. This has been FPL preparing for an upcoming underground power line project within our community. FPL has started notifying resident by mail that they will commence work on May 8th, 2013 and expect to complete work on June 17th, 2013. This will require that they dig around some of the community areas during that time. They do not anticipate any power outages as the project moves forward, but if they do need to interrupt power, they will notify us in writing. If you have any questions related to this project, you can call them at (800) 693-3267 and reference work request # 4970775.