It's hard to imagine that our community will be 47 years old soon. Our community was incorporated on June 12th, 1977 and shortly thereafter F&R Builders Inc broke ground and began building townhouses within Section 1 and 2 which are on the West side of the community followed by Section 3 which is the East side. They built 302 homes in our community completing construction in 1978, making us one of the largest of the five Devon-Aire Villas HOAs. Homes in our community started as low as $30,000 and as high as $35,000 in 1977 depending on the model and location. Adjusted for inflation our modest homes would have cost us $175,959 in today's currency but instead find that our homes are routinely listed for prices ranging from $400,000 to $460,000 depending on the home. On November 1978 F&R Builders Inc turned over control of our community to the very first elected Board of Directors at Devon-Aire Villas #1 who were Ellenor Stacholy, Linda Beebe, Bertha Marder, Alan Ehrlich and Alan Markowitz. That Board and every subsequent board since that time has had the principal responsibility of maintaining and improving upon the community in order to ensure that property values would appreciate over time. Of all the additional communities F&R Builders went on to build, our community has managed to maintain much of its original character which has resulted in homeowners retaining their homes for very long periods of time and improving upon their homes along the way.
A community managed by a Board of Directors that is active, meets regularly, invites community participation at all posted board meetings and keeps common property well maintained ensures that the community never falls into decay which would result in loss of home values. Nobody wants to buy a home where the homes look run down and the community grounds are neglected. Homes in our community have maintained their distinct character for 47 years thanks to the stewardship of the Board and members that have been active participants in community affairs. This would not have been possible without an active Board of Directors and community involvement. Members in our community have managed to keep their homes in great shape while at the same time stamping their mark on their homes exteriors, some of which have been recognized in our Villa of the Quarter awards. Homeowners have helped enhance their home's values by adding landscaping, storm shutters, impact windows, new front door styles, extended driveways, stamped concrete driveways, wind rated roof shingles over time. The Board of Directors has continued to improve upon the property by adding elements such as additional landscaping, lighting throughout the community, park benches, street curbing, dog waste stations, speed humps, entrance security cameras, etc.. The Board ensures that landscaping, road maintenance, catch basin maintains and other improvements
continue to occur. That of course means that the Board must maintain healthy reserves while at the same time ensuring the delinquency rate within the membership remains low so that new buyers have the ability to qualify for and close on a mortgage if a home in our community does go up for sale. Mortgage lenders will often review how a Homeowners Association handles its affairs and finances before they offer a mortgage to new buyers. Having a well-managed community with a membership that does their part in maintaining their property and adhering to community standards helps home values remain high which is very important when it comes to protecting a member's investment in a property. As we approach our communities 50th birthday, we don't expect much will change other than maybe home values will continue to rise as time goes by. We wish to thank all of our membership, past and present, for helping to make our community a very desirable place to live.