December 03, 2022

Villa of the Quarter: December 2022

The Board of Directors recognizes members who go above and beyond in the upkeep of their villa within our community. These members are examples of the potential each home has when it is well maintained and also helps keep property values high, benefiting everyone in the community. This helps make our community a very desirable place to live.

The home chosen for the 4th Quarter of 2022 belongs to Barbara Di Rosa who lives on 123rd Place. She has lived in our community for 45 years and an original owner of this Briarwood model. During that time she has strived to keep her home looking great by providing continuous upkeep to her home and it shows. The well maintained landscaping and accents added to the front of her home it really makes it stand out from those around it. On November 26th, 2022 the Board President & Vice President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1: Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Cheesecake Factory gift card. The Board of Directors wishes to thank her for all the hard work she has put into her villa. We are proud to have you in the community.

November 07, 2022

Burglary: Villas East 11/4/2022

One of our crime watch volunteers contacted to let us know that a burglary occurred this past Friday at a villa located on Circle South by the canal. The burglary occurred during the day. The person responsible came in through the canal easement owned by the South Florida Water Management District, jumped the fence and broke in via the sliding glass door.

Over the last 4 weeks we have also noticed an uptick in burglaries and thefts occurring in other nearby communities, specifically Devon-Aire Villas 4 & Devon-Aire Villas 5. It is important that members remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity or individuals around the community. Residents having homes that have canal access are more exposed than the rest of our members since they don't have the advantage of having the rear of their homes watched over by members of community so they should take measures to secure their rear doors, windows and sliding glass doors. We are asking all members reading this to please speak with your neighbors to get the word out regarding this incident.  If you are renting out your unit, please pass this information on to your tenants.  By getting the word out, we ensure that whoever is responsible will be caught.

Please stay alert for any suspicious activity.  The basic rule of thumb is if you see a possible crime in progress, call 9-1-1.  If you wish to report suspicious activity, please call the non-emergency number at (305) 476-5423.  Please pay particular attention to individuals loitering in the guest parking areas or other parts of the community and if observe anyone circling around the community that should not be there, walking in and around homes or just someone who seems out of place, please contact Police.  Miami Dade Police is authorized to ask anyone that does not belong or have business in the community to leave the property.  After you contact Police, please let us know as well by using our Contact Us page or by calling us at (305) 859-1462 and leaving a message.  Messages left at this number are monitored 7 days a week by all members of the board.

October 05, 2022

Crime Watch Meeting: 10/6/2022

A Crime Watch meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, October 6th at 7 PM.  It will be held on the West side, main parking on SW 111th Lane next to the park. Click Here for location.  We are asking that you make every effort to attend.  It is only because of those involved that we have been able to keep crime low and it is all due to those who participate in Crime Watch that this is possible.  Crime Watch doesn't work if you only get involved after you have become a victim of a crime.  

As always, a Metro Dade Police Officer will be at the meeting to discuss crime trends in our area, statistics, news of interest as well as to answer any questions from attending residents.

September 03, 2022

Villa of the Quarter: September 2022

The Board of Directors recognizes members who go above and beyond in the upkeep of their villa within our community. These members are examples of the potential each home has when it is well maintained and also helps keep property values high, benefiting everyone in the community. This helps make our community a very desirable place to live.

The home chosen for the 3rd Quarter of 2022 belongs to Margarita Ramires who lives on Circle East. She has lived in the community for 20 years. During that time she has strived to keep her home looking great by providing continuous upkeep to her home to keep it looking beautiful all year round. Her careful selection of landscaping elements & accents really makes her home stand out from those around it. On August 28th, 2022 the Board President & Vice President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1: Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Cheesecake Factory gift card. The Board of Directors wishes to thank her for all the hard work she has put into her villa. We are proud to have you in the community.

August 27, 2022

Notice of 2023 Annual Budget Meeting

To the members of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association No. 1, Inc., 

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the Bylaws of Devon-Aire Villas Homeowners Association No. 1, Inc. (the "Association"), that the 2023 Annual Association Budget Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022, 7:30 PM at 14373 SW 142nd Street Miami FL 33186. A notice was mailed out and posted on the community bulletin boards 15 days prior to this scheduled meeting which included a copy of the proposed budget. The Board of Directors will discuss and adopt the 2023 Budget at this meeting and urge members to attend if possible.

Notice was mailed by depositing with the United States Post Office or in a letter box in a postage-paid sealed envelope by Regular Mail to each member of the Association at his or her respective address as same appears on the books of the Association.

Members which fail to receive their notice along with proposed policy by August 31st, 2022 and wish an electronic copy are asked to Contact Us.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Establishment of a quorum of the Board
  3. Discussion
  4. Open Forum
  5. Adoption of the 2023 budget.
  6. Adjournment

July 28, 2022

Car Theft: Villas West 7/28/2022

A guest visiting a member living on SW 111th LN had their 2021 black Honda stolen before 1AM. They were parked at the main guest parking area. Anyone living on the West side of the community having cameras with footage that can be considered useful are urged to contact us so we can forward the information on to police. The crime occurred on between 10PM 7/27/2022 and 1AM 7/28/2022

At a recent CAC meeting held on 7/27/2022 we received news that there has been an uptick in car thefts in this area. The Board has been working on having security cameras installed at all the entrances and main parking areas of the East and West sides of the community as a deterrent however that project is still at the early stages and has a way to go before we begin.

It goes without saying that if suspicious activity is occurring on or around the property, residents are urged to please contact Police immediately by calling their non emergency number at (305) 4-POLICE (476-5423). No incident large or small should ever go without being reported. If you believe that a crime is in progress, please call 911. Do not attempt make contact with any person engaging in suspicious activity and instead let Police handle the situation. Always Contact Us afterwards to let us know so we can follow-up with Police.

July 03, 2022

Community Advisory Committee – Major Grace O’Donnell

Member of the Board regularly attend CAC meetings on behalf of the community in order to bring community concerns to Miami Dade Police – Kendall District, Code Enforcement and other county representatives. This sustained civic engagement ensures that community concerns reach the right individuals when members of the community identify community conditions that just aren’t right or if there are needs that haven’t been addressed through normal channels. CAC Members also regularly recognize citizens and police officers that exceed performance, dedication, and commitment to the community they serve.

On June 29th, 2022 Board President Jeff Kaslofsky, representing Devo-Aire Villas #1, honored retired Major Grace O’Donnell with a presentation of her many accomplishments through her career up until her retirement in 2010. He also presented her with a framed article from the Miami Herald which detailed her career accomplishments. Major O’Donnell has had a very long career with Miami Dade Police starting as a rookie officer in 1974 and although retired she still serves as a reserve officer. She routinely volunteers her time to MDPD sponsored events and other community interests. In a recent Miami Herald article published on June 6th with the headline of “In 1974, the first Cuban-American female cop patrolled Miami-Dade in a skirt and heels”, it details her many accomplishments as well as the barriers she had to overcome in her chosen profession.

June 12, 2022

Villa of the Quarter: June 2022

The Board of Directors recognizes members who go above and beyond in the upkeep of their villa within our community. These members are examples of the potential each home has when it is well maintained and also helps keep property values high, benefiting everyone in the community. This helps make our community a very desirable place to live.

The home chosen for the 2nd Quarter of 2022 belongs to Fernando Meneses & Kirby McMillan who live on Circle East. They purchased their home and became members of our community in 2019. Since purchasing their home they have gone to great lengths to repair their home’s exterior, modernize it and improve their home by adding impact windows & doors, tiled walkway, etc... In speaking with them, they expressed plans to further improve their home in the future. Their choice of landscaping and garden accents along with all their improvements really makes their homes stand out from those around it. On June 11th, 2022 the Board President & Vice President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1: Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Cheesecake Factory gift card. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you for all the hard work you have put into your villa. We are proud to have you in the community.

April 30, 2022

Lost Cat Allie

On the 22nd of April Anita Singer, a member of our community who lives at Circle North, lost her cat that goes by the name of Allie. If you have seen her recently or have any information about her whereabouts please contact her by calling (305) 610-4906 or via Nextdoor.

March 07, 2022

Villa of the Quarter: March 2022

The Board of Directors recognizes members who go above and beyond in the upkeep of their villa within our community. These members are examples of the potential each home has when it is well maintained and also helps keep property values high, benefiting everyone in the community. This helps make our community a very desirable place to live.

The home chosen for the 1st Quarter of 2022 belongs to William & Diana Herrera who live on Circle South. They are new members to the community having just purchased their home in 2021. So much work and repairs were put into this home in order to modernize it that it is unrecognizable from its former self. The roof was replaced, all wood trim repaired, new doors, new impact windows and the list goes on and they have also expressed that they have future projects they are considering for their home. All these changes really make this home stand out from all the rest. On March 5th, 2022 the Board President & Vice President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1: Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Cheesecake Factory gift card. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you for all the hard work you have put into your villa. We are proud to have you in the community.

Pay Assessment Online

You now have the option to pay your annual assessment via eCheck or Credit Card. Annual assessment is due by February 1st. If you wish to pay online, you will need your eight digit account number. Contact Us if you have questions regarding your account number, amount due or are experiencing any difficulties. Click Here for more information or to pay online.

About Devon-Aire Villas #1

This blog serves the residents of Devon-Aire Villas # 1 which is a community consisting of 302 town homes on 45 acres of land, 15 acres of which is open common areas, located on SW 122nd Ave & SW 111th St in Miami, Florida.

Property Management

Devon-Aire Villas # 1 is managed by Scott Galya at Brickell Property Management. You can reach Scott Galya as well as the Board of Directors via our Contact Us Page, by email at , by leaving voice mail or a text message at (305) 859-1462. If you would like to send US Mail, you can find our mailing address on our Contact Us page. When contacting us, please provide your full name and property address so we can better serve you. Should you need pass by the office, please schedule an appointment by contacting us by email.

Follow US by Email

Community Network

Devon-Aire Villas #1 uses Nextdoor to allow homeowners and residents to receive important updates about Crime, Safety, Events, and Meetings. This closed social network also allows homeowners and residents to post Neighborhood Classifieds, announce yard sales, report a lost/found pet and much more.


Other Contacts

Miami Dade Police:
(305) 4-POLICE
(305) 476-5423

3-1-1 or
(305) 468-5900

Trash, Recycling & Bulk Waste Pickup
Click Here

Poison Control Center
(800) 222-1222

(305) 442-8770

Crime Map

FDLE Offender Search

Voter Information

Devon-Aire HOA # 1 is part of Precinct 743 and its polling station is located at Devon-Aire Park which is at the corner of 104th St and 122nd Ave. Below is our district information:

Congress: 26
State Senate: 40
State House: 118
County Commission: 8
School Board: 7
Community Council: 11

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