February 25, 2020

Sealcoat of Common Streets & Driveways to Begin 3/16/2020

It's been a while and it took longer than expected, but we have finally secured the necessary county permits to begin sealcoating the community roads and your personal driveways.  Within the next few days we will begin mailing out letters to our membership regarding the project.  The same letter will also be sent to tenants living in rented units. Work is scheduled to begin on 3/16/2020. As a precaution and ensure everyone is aware of the project and associated inconveniences, the soon to be mailed letter can be reviewed by Clicking Here and will also be posted on community bulletin boards.

Here are a few things that members/residents should be aware of:
  • Homeowners are responsible to edge the grass around their driveway and ensure that their drives ways are in good repair before sealing begins.
  • Vehicles left within guest parking areas to be sealcoated after 7 AM on the date their section will be worked on will be towed away at the owner's expense. Therefore, we advise you to move your vehicle(s) the day before or the early morning work is to begin. If sealcoating begins you will not be able to move your vehicle without damaging the sealcoat and will be charged for any damage if you attempt to move your vehicle once sealcoating has begun.
  • Vehicles will not be permitted to drive on the seal coated area for 48 hours after it is applied. Do not enter barricaded areas until the barricades are removed by staff. If any homeowner or tenant removes a barricade or drives on an area and damages a sealcoated area, the cost for repair will be directly billed back to the responsible homeowner. 
  • Parking will be made available in designated areas. The association has hired security officers to monitor the parking areas and maintain the integrity of the barricaded areas. Homeowners may not park on the grass of their home or block driveways or streets. They must park in designated parking areas only.
  • If it rains, seal coating will be cancelled for that day and will be rescheduled for the following day.
  • Unit owner that wish to extend their driveway, must contact us by Clicking Hereby texting us at (305) 859-1462 or by leaving voicemail at (305) 859-1462. We will put you in touch with the contractor sealcoating our community and handling the driveway extensions.  They will provide those interested with a price quote and make payment arrangements.
The inconvenience is only for a few days but your patience during this process is for the betterment of this community and the Association appreciates your cooperation. If you do not wish to have your driveway sealcoated please place a rope and sign indicating such. If your driveway is in disrepair or contains a vehicle it will not be sealcoated.

Please review the site plan provided and note the area color corresponding to your homes location for work dates.

East Side Map Click Here
West Side Map Click Here
Blue Area:
3/16/2020 – 3/17/2020 Monday - Tuesday
Orange Area:
3/18/2020 – 3/19/2020 Wednesday - Thursday
Green Area:
3/20/2020 – 3/21/2020 Friday - Saturday

February 08, 2020

East Side: Cruelty to Animals

It has come to our attention that someone on the East side of the community has been killing muscovy ducks either by poisoning them or by some other violent means.  Within the last week and a half, we have been alerted to 7 dead ducks in the community which the Association has gone out to remove.  We want to remind everyone that killing or injuring of any animal in this fashion, no matter the reason, is cruel and also illegal.  We realize that some folks my find muscovy ducks irritating as well as a nuisance, but they are only here because someone is feeding them.

We ask our members to please let us know if they see or know of anyone feeding the ducks within the community, witness anyone being cruel or molesting them in any way or anyone driving in a manner meant to kill or injure them.  Should we continue to find any more dead or injured ducks in the community we will contact Miami Dade County Animal Services to report the incidents.

Pay Assessment Online

You now have the option to pay your annual assessment via eCheck or Credit Card. Annual assessment is due by February 1st. If you wish to pay online, you will need your eight digit account number. Contact Us if you have questions regarding your account number, amount due or are experiencing any difficulties. Click Here for more information or to pay online.

About Devon-Aire Villas #1

This blog serves the residents of Devon-Aire Villas # 1 which is a community consisting of 302 town homes on 45 acres of land, 15 acres of which is open common areas, located on SW 122nd Ave & SW 111th St in Miami, Florida.

Property Management

Devon-Aire Villas # 1 is managed by Scott Galya at Brickell Property Management. You can reach Scott Galya as well as the Board of Directors via our Contact Us Page, by email at , by leaving voice mail or a text message at (305) 859-1462. If you would like to send US Mail, you can find our mailing address on our Contact Us page. When contacting us, please provide your full name and property address so we can better serve you. Should you need pass by the office, please schedule an appointment by contacting us by email.

Follow US by Email

Community Network

Devon-Aire Villas #1 uses Nextdoor to allow homeowners and residents to receive important updates about Crime, Safety, Events, and Meetings. This closed social network also allows homeowners and residents to post Neighborhood Classifieds, announce yard sales, report a lost/found pet and much more.


Other Contacts

Miami Dade Police:
(305) 4-POLICE
(305) 476-5423

3-1-1 or
(305) 468-5900

Trash, Recycling & Bulk Waste Pickup
Click Here

Poison Control Center
(800) 222-1222

(305) 442-8770

Crime Map

FDLE Offender Search

Voter Information

Devon-Aire HOA # 1 is part of Precinct 743 and its polling station is located at Devon-Aire Park which is at the corner of 104th St and 122nd Ave. Below is our district information:

Congress: 26
State Senate: 40
State House: 118
County Commission: 8
School Board: 7
Community Council: 11

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