On April 7th, The Board of Directors adopted new Rules & Regulations at the duly and properly noticed meeting held on April 7th, 2015. After adoptions, the new Rules & Regulations were subsequently recorded in Book 29607 / Page 1045 of the Public Records of Miami Dade County. The newly adopted Ruled & Regulations supersede all prior versions of this document and amends the Rules & Regulations recorded on August 11th, 2014 in OR Book 29265, Pages 2436-2446 of the Public Records of Miami Dade County.
All of our membership should have received their copies by mail at the beginning of June. The Board of Directors kindly asks that all residents please take the time to read the newly adopted Rules & Regulations and if you rent your unit, we also ask that you please ensure that you provide a copy to your tenants or direct them to the online copy found Here. These newly adopted Rules & Regulations should clarify some older Rules as well as expand on others. Should you have any questions regarding the newly adopted Rules & Regulations, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.