The Board of Directors continues in their efforts to recognize members who go above and beyond in the upkeep of their villa. Nominations for the 1st Quarter of 2015 were submitted by members of the Board and later voted on in December.
The home chosen for the 1st Quarter of 2015 belongs to Mr & Mrs. Jair Restrepo who live on 110th Street Circle East. Anyone traveling up and down 110th Street Circle East will be hard pressed not to see their home and their
sculpted hedges. You may catch sight of Jair Restrepo working around his home or his home's landscaping during the week which he is very proud of. Both of them continue to put in a lot of work into the inside and outside of their home. On January 3rd, 2015 the Board President & Vice-President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1 Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Publix gift card to Mr. & Mrs. Restrepo. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you both for all the hard work you put into you villa! We are proud to have you in the community.
The home chosen for the 1st Quarter of 2015 belongs to Mr & Mrs. Jair Restrepo who live on 110th Street Circle East. Anyone traveling up and down 110th Street Circle East will be hard pressed not to see their home and their
sculpted hedges. You may catch sight of Jair Restrepo working around his home or his home's landscaping during the week which he is very proud of. Both of them continue to put in a lot of work into the inside and outside of their home. On January 3rd, 2015 the Board President & Vice-President presented the Devon-Aire Villas #1 Villa of The Quarter award in recognition of outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep as well as a $50 Publix gift card to Mr. & Mrs. Restrepo. The Board of Directors wishes to thank you both for all the hard work you put into you villa! We are proud to have you in the community.