The first villa the Board of Directors selected for this award goes to a home many members seem to talk about at meetings or to members of the board in passing. This is a home that some residents have even used as a navigational marker to direct guest to homes in that area of the community. A home that stands out like that made the selection of the first villa real easy for the Board. On the August 5th, 2014 Board of Directors meeting the home of Judith & Jeffrey Arampatzis was nominated as the first villa to receive the Devon-Aire Villas #1 Villa of The Quarter award in recognition for outstanding landscaping and villa upkeep. Their home is located at the corner of SW 106th Terrace & 123rd Place. On August 16th, the Board President & Vice-President presented the award certificate as well as a $50 Publix gift card to Judith & Jeffrey. Thank you Judith & Jeffrey for all the hard work you have put into you villa! Your villa is a role model for other members of the community.
August 16, 2014
Villa of the Quarter: September 2014
August 16, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
August 15, 2014
Sealcoating Project 2014
August 15, 2014
Devon-Aire Villas # 1 Homeowners Association
This October we will be sealcoating our communities private roads as part of routine maintenance. Members who wish to extend their driveways to accommodate an additional vehicle are encouraged to do so before October. If you are interested in extending your driveway or need some other type of driveway repair and wish to have a price quote from our contractor, please Contact Us and we will put you in touch with him. As a benefit to our members, we will also be sealcoating your driveway at no additional cost to you. There are some conditions however which members must address before October. If a driveway has any potholes, root damage or in any state of disrepair our contractor will be unable to sealcoat your driveway. It is your responsibility to have such issues corrected before that time otherwise your driveway will be skipped come October. As a member of Devon-Aire Villas #1 you are expected to maintain your villa in good order as defined in section 2.6 of our Rules & Regulations. Should your driveway need attention, we hope that you take this opportunity to address the issue. If you have any questions, please Contact Us.
We will send out further instructions to our members as we approach October with schedules of which days and sections will be sealcoated. On the day sealcoating is scheduled for your section, you will be unable to use the private roads leading to your home and will need to park at designated areas we will set up at that time. If you rent out your unit, it is extremely important that you communicate this information to your tenants. We do understand that their will be a slight inconvenience to members during the time your section is sealcoated however this slight inconvenience will have a lasting benefit to our private roads and driveways.