January 24, 2013

106th St Entrance Board Meeting Sign

Many residents in the past have asked that a sign be placed on the 106th St entrance to announce the monthly meetings similar to the ones placed at the 122nd Ave entrances.  We had a new sign made this month so all entrances will now have signs posted a couple of days before the scheduled Board meeting.  We hope this keeps residents better informed and perhaps increase participation in our monthly meetings. ...

January 16, 2013

Community Improvement Projects

Between January 11th - 16th, work was commenced to replace the bushes which sit along 123rd Place with sea grapes.  The damaged fence in the same area was also repaired.  Below are before and after images of that work: Also, some landscaping work was completed along the 106th Street island. ...

January 13, 2013

Exterior Home Sidings

For the last few months, homeowners who have wished to change the exterior wood sidings have found that is is no longer available at the local Home Depot or Lowe's.  One resident recently found the clam shell paneling needed for their home at Shell Lumber & Hardware located at 2733 S.W. 27th Ave.  Their phone number is (305) 856-6401. You can visit them on their web site by going to http://www.shelllumber.com....

January 10, 2013

January Meeting

In the January meeting, the Board met and discussed several topics related to landscaping, lighting, roofing shingles and traffic speed bumps.  Jeff Kaslofsky, President, also took the opportunity to again thank Mel Montes & Jack Goodwin for their long and dedicated service to the community for which we are extremely grateful.  Jeff awarded Certificates of Appreciation to both Mel Montes & Jack...

January 09, 2013

Burglary at Devon-Aire #1 East 12/12/2012

     On December 12, 2012, there was a robbery reported in our community at a home on 110th ST CIR East.  Please be sure that you keep your homes secure by ensuring your windows and sliding glass doors are properly secured before leaving your homes.  Also, please be vigilant and report all suspicious/criminal activity to law enforcement.      If you would like to receive...

December 2012 Election

     On December 11th, 2012, Devon-Aire Association # 1 held its first known election since 1977.  With more than 30% of the membership represented in person or by proxy, four new directors have been elected to the board.  We thank the previous directors, Mel Montes, Sergio Ubilla, Rose Ubilla & Jack Goodwin for their years of service & dedication to the community.  Mel Montes & Jack Goodwin served the community...

About Devon-Aire Villas #1

This blog serves the residents of Devon-Aire Villas # 1 which is a community consisting of 302 town homes on 45 acres of land, 15 acres of which is open common areas, located on SW 122nd Ave & SW 111th St in Miami, Florida.

Property Management

Devon-Aire Villas # 1 is managed by Scott Galya at Brickell Property Management. You can reach Scott Galya as well as the Board of Directors via our Contact Us Page, by email at devonairehoa1@gmail.com , by leaving voice mail or a text message at (305) 859-1462. If you would like to send US Mail, you can find our mailing address on our Contact Us page. When contacting us, please provide your full name and property address so we can better serve you. Should you need pass by the office, please schedule an appointment by contacting us by email.

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Community Network

Devon-Aire Villas #1 uses Nextdoor to allow homeowners and residents to receive important updates about Crime, Safety, Events, and Meetings. This closed social network also allows homeowners and residents to post Neighborhood Classifieds, announce yard sales, report a lost/found pet and much more.


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